Secrets Grow

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[Prince Pov ]

I looked up at the enraged female in front of me. I felt the guilt weigh down my heart. She knows now.

" Look Tay, I can explain. "

" You better start explaining right now."

"I didn't tell her because I didn't want to lose her again. You gotta understand Tay, I love her so much, it would kill me if she left. She's my everything. Please don't tell her. "

" Okay Prince, but She is my's kinda hard to keep things from her. " She sighed.

"I know Tay, I know. But I have to tell her in my own way. "

Tay nodded at me and shifted her dark brown eyes at Diggy. She shook her head and walked away. Diggy and I let out audible sighs.... life is getting too complicated right now.

[Your Pov ]

I glanced up at the strange woman standing in the doorway.

"Hello... what's your name? "

She appeared vaguely familiar.

"I'm Lisa. "

" I'm (Y/N). Sorry you had to see all that.... My baby is a bit overprotective. " I chuckled.

" I see." She smiled.

" So where you from?"

" I grew up here."

"That's cool....I need something to get my mind off of this, you wanna go shopping?"

" Nahh I don't feel too well, I'm gonna just chill. "

I stared at her for a second and then nodded.

" Feel better Lisa." I smiled


I turned on my heels and walked outside to where Diggy and Prince were.

"Aye Babe."

Prince looked at me and smiled.

"Wanna go shopping with me?"

" Sure babe.You should come too Diggy. "

" Okay. "

" Let me change clothes. "

I jogged up the stairs and threw open the closet looking for clothes. I was trifling through the clothes and I found exactly what I was looking for....I smiled devilishly. Time to give Prince a run for his money.

[Prince Pov ]

Diggy and I were sitting on the couch waiting for (Y/N) to come downstairs. I was going down my Instagram timeline liking a few fanpages' pictures, trying to make their day.

"Prince. "

I looked up and nearly fell off the couch..My baby is just wow..and that outfit is whoa. I started at her feet... the classic black Docs fit her style perfectly. My eyes slowly traveled up her body. The ripped and distressed jeans showed off her soft skin and beautiful complexion. My eyes moved upward still. The plain white belly shirt under the Jean vest covered with Nirvana, Mod Sun, Misfits, Prince, Tokio Hotel and Ramones patches completed her rocker chick look.Her wild hair was even more wild and crazy making her resemble a lioness ready to attack.

The dark eye liner and mascara was like the icing on the cake. I looked at Diggy. He was staring just as hard as I was with his mouth gaped open.

"Aye Nigga eyes off my wife. "

" I'm not looking at her. " He gazed in the same direction.

"Then what are you looking at? "

"That." He smiled, pointing to the wall of windows that displayed the small gym area.Tay was in there running on the treadmill.

"You're whipped my nigga! " I laughed.

" No I'm not. " He frowned.

"Sure you're not, You ready to go Bonita? "

[Roc Pov ]

Looking through the house for Journee, I passed (Y/N)'s room and I heard movement. That's strange, She went shopping with Prince and Diggy. As soon as I went to open the door, a piercing scream rang out. I rushed down the hall to see Tay face to face with a snake. But not just any snake, it was a cobra.

"Tay! Don't move."

"Fuck that! I got this. "

Tay picked up the stiletto on the floor next to her. She tossed it at the snake, wounding it's head. She ran to the door and hopped into my arms.

" Now we can run nigga. " She yelled.

I laughed and took off running. We got downstairs and took a deep breath.

" What happened?"

" Cobra....In.... My... Bedroom.... Dead Now... " Tay huffed out between breaths.

"Ohh My! Are you okay?" Char gasped.

"Yeahh I'm cool. "

"There's one thing though. " I frowned.

"What's that?" They asked.

" Well according to Animal Planet, Cobras are not native to the U.S. ,let alone Colorado. Someone put that there on purpose.....They tried to kill you Tay."

[Mystery Pov ]


" I mean what I said...She killed it." Lisa replied to me.

" You incompetent numbskull. You and Andre can't do anything right. "

"I tried Boss, I truly did. "

"Trying isn't enough you imbecile." I yelled, smacking her.

" Why can't you just leave them alone?! They've done nothing to you. "

"That's none of your business. You do what I say or I will kill you too. I have no problems doing whatever to get what I want."

I Want My Life Back( A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now