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This whole chapter is about "Mystery Pov". I'm gonna drop a couple of hints as to who he or she is,and why they hate Tay and (Y/N). Good luck!! The person to guess close to or the correct answer gets a follow(if I don't already follow you )and a shoutout! So read closely my hippys!


[Mystery Pov ]

I woke up and looked over at the monitors on my wall. I watched them for a little while, looking for something important. After seeing nothing, I decided to take a break today. I got dressed, putting my long hair into a ponytail (AN: freebie answer:It's a woman guys!).

After getting ready, I ate a small breakfast and left the house. Straining my eyes against the sun, I walked along the sidewalk. I waved at my neighbors. I decided to visit my adoptive aunt in the nursing home. I walked towards the gigantic building and punched in the code. I walked down the long corridor to her room.

" Hey Aunt Hazel. "

"Hey Baby. " She smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

" I feel okay. I'd feel better if you'd go on and get rid of those hateful women. "

"I know Auntie. I'm close. " I sighed.

" You better get them quick.Aren't you tired of them getting everything they want in life and you get the bare minimum?" She spat.

"Yes Ma'am. I am. "

"Okay then Baby. Get what you deserve. That old hateful father of yours took everything from you and it's time you do some taking of your own. "

"Yes Ma'am. "

After I left the nursing home, I headed to the park to walk. I walked slowly on the trail and thought about my child hood.

[Flashback ]

I laid on my mattress, listening to the police sirens in the distance. A tear rolled down my cheek. What a great way to spend your 15th birthday. No one even bothered to say 'Happy Birthday Baby Girl ' . All they do in this house is get high, drunk and have sex. I could hear them in the living room doing all kinds of horrible things. I'm used to it all now though. The smell of weed, the scent of barely washed bodies, the sight of half naked women prancing around the house, It's all normal now. I turned on my radio, the only thing in this world that makes me happy.

" Let's get up there and shine, like we supposed to do. The way we moving,we belong in the light. I got you close to me, don't you run and hide, Turn it up baby it's glow time. I can take you up up up up cause this game is keeping you down down down That's why we gotta jump jump jump jump lace up your good shoes, I swear it's the right move tonight girl. Take me on, come on out into the light, take me on, I can illuminate your life....."

I smiled. That's my favorite song in the whole wide world. One day I'm gonna leave this horrible place and marry the only man I've ever loved, Princeton. I danced to the electrifying beat, losing my self in the music.

"I'll take you to the brightside, the brightside. Come over to the brightside, the brightside. "

I was so far gone, in my own little world. The door opened without my knowledge and I kept dancing. He stood in the doorway, staring at me. Suddenly the music stopped.

Annoyed I turned around and looked at the culprit. It was my adoptive father Gerald.He was a friend of my father's and he was keeping me while my father was in jail. Well really until I get grown since my father got life without parole.

Everything was great when I first moved here, Gerald was just like a second father to me. Then he got hooked on drugs and started hanging out with the wrong people. I hate Gerald now.

"Hey Baby Girl. "

"Hi Dad. " I sighed.

"Wow, you've grown up so fast...you're so beautiful. "

"Thanks ." I smiled.

"Why don't you hang out with us? " He said, walking closer.

" I'm cool Dad. I was just listening to Mindless Behavior. "

"Why you listening to them lil niggas? "

" I like them Dad. One day I'm gonna meet them. "

"Girl they don't want nothing to do with you. "

" Yes they will! They are gonna love me! "

"Whatever girl. Now come here and give Daddy a hug. "

I walked over to Gerald and gave him a hug. My eyes widened. His hands were very low. I shook it off and pulled away from the hug.

"Gimme Kiss. "

I kissed him on the cheek and turned away. He grabbed my arm.

" On the mouth girl. " He growled, obviously drunk.

" I don't-"

My cheek was stinging from the brutal slap Gerald placed there. I cried hysterically. Gerald pulled me close and kissed me on my mouth. He threw me on the bed and ripped off my clothes. I screamed for help to no avail.

Before I knew it I felt pain, earth-shattering pain. The warm blood rolled down my legs as the hot tears poured down my face. I screamed until my voice was horse and my throat was raw. It went on for what seemed forever. Finally Gerald grunted in satisfaction as I passed out.

When I woke up, Gerald was long gone and I was alone. I got up, ignoring the searing pain in my legs and thighs. I packed my clothes and my prized possessions, My Mindless Behavior CDs and an old Picture of my mother and I....half of it was ripped but she and I are in it so that's enough for me. I climbed out the window, leaving that horrid place behind forever. I vowed to never go back.

[End Of Flashback ]

I quickly swiped at the tears coming down fast. I gotta pull myself together. No time to punk out. I'm making my move tomorrow. For once I will win. It's my turn.

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