.Day Two ....

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[Ray Pov ]

We called Officer Mathis and got everything taken care of. We can officially submit a missing person's alert at 5 p.m. today. We were all just sitting around, waiting.

" Look I can't take this anymore. I'm going to look for her. "Roc said, standing up.

"Officer Mathis said that we should wait-" Prince said, getting cut off.

" I don't give a flying fuck what he said. They got my fucking sister, That's my lil homie out there. We not going down without a fight." He yelled.

" I'm with Roc.... I'm not gonna sit here and wait for her to turn up dead."

"Me either. "

" We're leaving....you can either come with us and stay here and wait like a fuck nigga. "

"Fuck that, I'm gonna find my baby! " Prince said, grabbing his phone.

" Now you sound like the old Prince. "

We ran outside and jumped in the SUV. As we sped down the street, I felt like the NCIS team going to catch the killer. I'm Tony the funny one , Prod is Gibbs, the serious and sneaky one,Roc is like the male version Ziva cause he's violent and Prince is McGee, the smart one. This is no time to be thinking about this, but it kept my mind off of things for awhile.My little sister is out there,alone.I just want her to hold on till we get there.

[Your Pov ]

" Wakey Wakey Sunshine."

The cold, mechanical voice invaded my slumber. The voice changer was really creepy.I opened my eyes and looked around. I sighed realizing it wasn't just another nightmare.I've really been captured.

"Are you hungry sweetheart? "

I stayed silent, I have no idea what to say.

"C'Mon you're safe,for now."

"Y-yeah I guess I am a little hungry."

"I got you some food."

"Thanks? "

Out of the darkness ,slid a little tin plate with some food on it. I eyed the mass of food wearily.... What if it was poisoned?

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned. I don't want to kill you just yet. "

I nodded slowly and started eating. After I was finished I used my now handcuffed hands to slide the plate gently. The spotlight turned off again, signalling the departure of my enemy. I laid my now frizzy hair against the cold concrete wall.

I shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt. No nightmares ,just sweet, peaceful dreams. That's funny. Surrounded by the people that love me the most, I had horrific nightmares but here, in the presence of my potential killer I could rest easily. Very Odd.

[Lisa Pov ]

I can't take it....this guilt is eating me alive. The way her friends and family broke down...The stress they are going through, I helped cause it. She has four kids. If I don't do something, they will grow up with out their mother. I don't want that for them... That's how I grew up, and look how I turned out....helping someone get KILLED. I walked downstairs and sat down with the women, who were all nearly in tears.

" Let's Pray for her. Dear God, Please protect my sister. Please keep her safe and allow her to be found." Tay prayed.

I couldn't sit still... this is eating at me... I stood up and screamed.

"I know where She is!" I yelled finally, releasing my guilt.

"What?!" Tay jumped.

" My boss..c-captured her. She's in an abandoned warehouse up the road. " I stuttered quickly.

Journee hopped up and called the police and then Roc.

"Babe! We found her."

[Roc Pov ]

I hung up with Journee and spun the car around. I drove at lightning speed and the guys looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"Roc, where are you going?" Prince yelled.

" Prince Charming, let's just say, it's time to rescue the Princess. "

**********AN **********

Hey guys!! How you liking the story? Comment and tell me what you think!!

Peace and Love

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