Our Second First Date

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[Your Pov ]

We all ran to my room and started getting ready...supposedly we're supposed to wear casual clothes with a bathing suit underneath. Ohh gosh where are they taking us?We got ready. (description of the outfits ) :

Me: Gray and white stripped tank top and gray shorts. green bikini on under it. white vans

Char: Black and red halter top and Red shorts. Red bikini underneath. Black high top Converse.

Journee: Blue tank top and yellow shorts. Blue and Yellow polka dotted Bikini. Blue sandals.

Camille: Purple and gold tank top and purple shorts . Gold Bikini with purple bows on it. Gold sandals.

We all stood in the mirror checking ourselves out.

" Damn we look good! " Journee joked.

We finished primping and finally walked across the hall to the boys' room. They opened the door after three knocks.

"Aye Aye Aye we said CASUAL not NAKED. " Roc scolded.

"We have on clothes Chresanto." I laughed..

"Damn she used your government name, my nigga. " Char laughed.

"I know, she ain't no day one nigga."

Soon the other guys came out of the room and we walked to the car..All eight of us piled into Prod's rental SUV and we got on the interstate. We had been on the road for a little while.

" Are we there yet?" I whined. I hate car rides.

"Hush babe. We're super close." Princeton said.

" I just wanna-" He cut me off by kissing me. Hella good way to say shut up.

" You talk too much... be quiet " He said, pecking my forehead.

"Yes sir." I sat quietly for the rest of the ride. Then I realized where we were going.

" We're going to Coney Island?! " I squealed, jumping up and down.

"Yes." Prodigy smiled, looking at me from the rearview mirror.

We finally got to Coney Island and went to the beach. We had the whole beach to ourselves. We built sand castles, drew in the sand and just had fun on the beach... I was writing in my poetry book when Prod and Roc picked me up and threw me in the water. Luckily I had taken off the clothes I had on over my Bikini.

I cursed them out thoroughly, while squeezing water out of my hair. Soon the sun began to set and we all sat down in the sand to watch the beautiful sight. The guys wrapped their arms are around their dates and we leaned into them. I inhaled deeply and took in the smell of Prince 's cologne. I sighed dreamily.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ohh nothing... just how beautiful the sunset is."

"You're more beautiful. " Princeton smiled, the setting sun making him look more angelic.

"Boy stop! " I blushed.

"You are. I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. "

"Thanks Augustus Waters." I smiled, knowing he remembered how much I adore The Fault In Our Stars.

He smiled and got silent. He turned his attention back to the sunset. I gazed at him as the light from the descending sun highlighted his features. My heart slammed into my chest.

I love this man more than words. I sighed and looked back at the gorgeous sunset in front of me. I loved my second first date.

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