Having A Talk With Uncle Nacho

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I got an idea for this chapter while listening to Look What You've Done by Drake. Enjoy;)


"Know that I'm your sister's kid but that still doesn't explain the love that you have for me."

[Prince POV ]

I drove to Oakland to my Uncle Nacho's house. He's the only one I can talk to right now,the boys would kill me. He's like a father to me. I knocked on the door.

"Hey Prince what are you doing here? L.A. is six hours away!" He said with a thick Hispanic accent.

He looked at me more closely. He saw the tears threatening to fall.

" W-what's up Uncle Nacho?" I said, trying to sound natural, failing miserably. My voice was shaking like I was about to go through puberty or some shit.

" Come in." He frowned, trying to put things together.

We walked in the house and I sat down on the couch. I tried to calm myself down.

"What's wrong Prince? Is everyone Okay?" He finally asked after silence ticked on for more that a minute.

"They're fine but I'm not. I did something horrible Uncle Nacho."


I told him what happened. He sat there for a minute dumbfounded and then he spoke.

" I can't believe this.Do you still love her?" Uncle Nacho said, shaking his head.

" With all my heart but I'm developing feelings for Melody."

" Prince all I can tell you is that one or both of these young girls is going to get hurt. You need to make up your mind and find out exactly who you want.( Y/N) is a wonderful girl and I think she's perfect for you. This Melody lady sounds great too. You can't hold on to both of them. Think about what is going to be ultimately right for you. " Uncle Nacho said, spitting some real wisdom like I knew he would.

" Thanks Uncle Nacho. I don't know what I'd do with out you." I got up, preparing to leave.

"Uh no sir go upstairs and go to sleep.It's 3 a.m. There's no way you are leaving here before noon." He said, arms crossed. I knew better than to defy him, grown or not.

" Yes sir . Goodnight Uncle Nacho." I sais heading up stairs.

" And, Unc?"

"Yes? "

"Thanks for being my father figure. " I smiled.

Uncle Nacho nodded at me and walked to his room. I walked up the stairs still thinking about my situation. I laid down in the bed knowing what I had to do....

I choose.....

******AN ********

Aha cliffhanger! Y'all love those huh? Lol Comment and Vote... Please check out Crystalshady..... Love y'all!

Who you think he chose?

Peacee && Lovee; )

Hippie and Misfit

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