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[Your Pov ]

I gasped. "Expect More " was etched across my mother's bedroom wall in what appeared to be blood. The contents of the room were strewn across the floor along with broken glass and ceramic pieces. My mother's journal lay open on the bed surrounded in ripped up stuffed animals and a cut up photo of Tay and I. I glanced back at my Uncle Jonah, his face ashen.

" I'm going to call the police. " Tay exclaimed.

Before she could leave the room, my phone rang displaying a blocked number. My hands shaking, I pressed answer.

"H-hello?" I asked, cautiously.

The voice that answered was a chilling, mechanical voice.

"I see you have received your first surprise. "

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" I yelled.The evil laughed chilled my soul.

"Hahahahahaa you will find out soon enough... you and your sister will be taken care of....permanently. "

The line went dead. Tay and Uncle Jonah were surrounding me asking questions. I was too shocked to find my voice. I swallowed deep and attempted to speak.

" T-they said they would kill Tay and I. "

"Did they say who they were?" Tay inquired.

I shook my head no. Tay ran out of the room and called the police. Numb to the world I walked down stairs and sat on the couch. The police came and investigated, and asked questions. I answered what I could and returned to my spot on the couch.

"Look Miss..?"

"Mrs. Perez."

"Mrs. Perez, we're doing everything we can to protect you and your family. Rest assured we are going to catch that creep and make sure he or she does not bother you guys anymore. " Officer Mathis said, attempting to comfort me.

" Thank you Officer Mathis."

He smiled reassuringly and left. As soon as the door shut, Princeton and the guys bursted into the house.

" Princesa! Are you okay? " Princeton yelled, running over to me..

I nodded silently at him and he hugged me tight.

"Te prometo que siempre protegeré hermosa." He whispered into my ear as I hugged him closer to me.(I promise that I will always protect you beautiful )

A silent tear rolled down my cheek and I buried my face into Prince's chest. Without warning he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his rental car. Looking over his shoulder, I saw Tay walking hand in hand with Uncle Jonah. I've noticed that I'm the emotional twin and Tay is the strong, resilient one. I snuggled closer to my husband until he carefully placed me in the passenger's side seat. Still crying ,I gazed out the window not really thinking. I drifted into a deep sleep.

[Prince Pov ]

I clenched the steering wheel, anger coursing through me. Someone tried to hurt my wife's family... and my wife. I might look sweet and innocent, but don't touch the hair or the family or you will regret it. I will find out who did this and they will rue the day they hurt my baby's feelings.

In that case, I should be hurting myself then.I hurt her deeply but I want to make it up to her. We pulled up to the cabin and everyone got out of the car except (Y/N). I smiled at her sleeping in the front seat. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our room and laid her on the bed. I gently removed her clothes and slipped my Guns -N- Roses T-shirt over her head.

I tucked her under the covers and kissed her forehead. I went into the bathroom to shower and prepare for bed. When I came out, she had moved to the middle of the bed and was murmuring in her sleep. I frowned and got in bed with her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm here Bonita. "

[Your Pov ]

" ( Y/N) you know I love you and the girls right?"

" Yes?Baby what's wrong?Please tell me. We can fix it, whatever it is. You and me against the world, remember?"

" I'm sorry but-"

" B-but what?


"I think we need to get a divorce."

" You thought he loved you....He hates you!! Your time will come.... You and Tavonna will be taken care of....permanently. "

I screamed.. My eyes shot open and I realized it was just another nightmare. Prince looked at me confused and wiped the fresh sweat off my forehead.

" What's wrong Princesa?"

" I-I had a dream that you asked me for a divorce....it felt so real. " I gulped.

" I would never leave you Babe. I promise. " He said, going to get me a fresh shirt, a Nirvana one this time.. I changed shirts after a short shower and laid my head against his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. I felt safe. Loved.

[Prince Pov ]

I know I should've told her about everything.She is stressed out and I don't want to make it worse. I'll tell her soon, I promise. I rubbed my hand through her wild, curly hair. I have to protect her. I have to.

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