Threats and Promises

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[Prince Pov ]

I'm tired of Diggy messing with my woman,granted she is not really my woman and we're not back together yet but she is mine. I went to go talk to him. This stops today. I walked down the hall to his hotel room. I banged on the door. He snatched it open confused.

"Prince? What are you-"

" Look we need to talk."

Diggy frowned and stepped inside to let me enter. He shut the door and sat down in the couch across from my chair.

"What is this about?" Diggy frowned, sizing me up.

"Stay away from my wife. "

"What are you talking about?"

" I know about that date you guys went on. Rest assured there will not be another. Stay away from her. " I spat, getting in his face.

" Are you threatening me Princeton?" He smirked.

" Nope. I'm promising. " I smirked back with equal the fervor.

"Ohh we're making promises.Well I promise that I will lay your sorry ass out if you touch me." Diggy said through clenched teeth.

I got up and walked out. No need to fight him right now. One day I'm gonna beat the crap out of that cocky nigga.

[Diggy Pov ]

This is unbelievable. That nigga just tried to confront me. I shook my head and laughed. I was gonna tell him that there is nothing between me and (Y/N) but then he tried to threaten me.

He's imagining things but now I'm gonna give him something to be mad about. I walked into the bathroom and did my hygiene routine. I put on some distressed jeans, a red and white stripped wife beater and the Chicago Bulls snapback I borrowed from Prod. I looked at the mirror and winked at my reflection. Time to visit my bestfriend.

With a smirk on my face I went down the hall to (Y/N)'s room. I knocked on the door. She opened it quickly.

" Hey Diggs. " She smiled.

"Hey Baby. " I said, kissing her cheek.

She raised an eyebrow. I looked over her shoulder to see Prince giving me the evil eye. Good for his jealous self.

" So do you want to go hang with me today?" I flashed a bright smile at her.I grabbed her hand and laced my fingers through hers, biting my lip. "I've missed seeing your beautiful face the last few days."

She looked so shocked but that didn't stop the easy smile that lit her features. She giggled and told me to quit.

"I mean it. " I pouted.I really did. I don't like her like that but I have missed her lately... she's been with her "husband " the whole time we've been in New York.

"We're taking the kids to the Statue of Liberty today.Wanna come?" She smiled.

"Sure! "

She smiled and moved over to let me in. I strutted in and plopped down on the couch. I could feel Princeton still evil eying me from the bed. I chuckled to myself. I got him right where I want him.

(Y/N) went into the bathroom to get dressed. Prod and Char,Ray and Cam, and Roc and Journee came to the room a little after she got in the shower. I gave all the men dap and hugged the women. We sat there and played with the kids until (Y/N) came out the bathroom.

"You look gorgeous. " I said truthfully.Prod choked on the water he was drinking. Ray just stood there with his mouth gaping open. Roc looked at me like I just signed my death certificate. Prince looked like he wanted to wring my neck. I wanted to laugh so much but I couldn't.

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