In the Wake of Tragedy

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[Prince's Pov ]

I ran out of the club, still bloody from my fight with Diggy. Screeching to a halt, I found her laying in the street bloody and unconscious. Somebody hit her with a car and kept driving. It didn't look like an accident though.

I screamed for help, then I remembered my phone in my pocket. I called 911 and they arrived as everyone piled out of The Flow. I picked her up and carried her to the gurney, never leaving her side. I watched as the love if my life lay dying in front of me, with millions of wires connected to her. When we pulled up at the Emergency Room, they immediately took her into the OR.

I paced in the waiting area, praying and hoping that she would make it through the surgery. All of my friends were all sitting and waiting, staring at nothing. I repeatedly raked my hands through my hair that I had long since removed from the ponytail. I prayed and prayed and prayed until the words ran together in my mind.

Dear God, Please watch over and protect her. Heal her father. I can't go on with out her... And God? Please let me have another chance with her...I promise I won't let you down. In Jesus' name I pray... Amen

I glared at Diggy who was sitting in a chair with his hands on his head. The doctor walked in.

" I'm doctor Reed Davis....I'm looking for the family of (Y/N) Perez?"

She kept my last name? That made me smile. She's still mine.

" Uhhhh yes sir ,I'm her husband. " I said quickly..

" Ahh Mr. Perez. Your wife experienced some trauma to her head. She suffered from a mild concussion, and if the car had been going any faster she probably would've been paralyzed or brain dead. She is a blessed woman Mr. Perez. "

"Thank God. So will she be okay? " I said, hands pressed together.

" We will keep her in here for a couple more days in a semi-comatose state to allow her injuries to heal further. She will be able to hear you but she won't be conscious to respond. "

I nodded in understanding.

"Thank you so much Doctor. "

" Don't thank me, Thank God and your wife. She's a trooper. " Dr.Davis smiled.

I smiled. My baby is a trooper.

[Your Pov ]

I don't know where I am. It's very dark. Oh wait, I see a light shining in the distance. I walked toward it.

" (Y/N)!"

That sounded alot like my father.

"(Y/N)! "

Now I KNOW that's my Mama.They've been dead for years. That must mean I'm dead too.

"Mama! Daddy! Am I dead?"

"No baby... You are very much alive. " My mom said back.

"Then how am I talking to you guys?" I asked, confused.

" You are in a coma. We've been your guardian angels since we've died in that car accident. I told you we'd always be there no matter what. Now listen to us baby. This is very important. " My dad replied.

" Be careful what you believe. The next few people who come in this room will tell you the truth. No matter what stay with Jacob."

" Who-"

" No time to explain. Just be leery of people who try to change your mind about your friends." My daddy warned.

"Yes Daddy I know but-"

The light began to fade. No I have so many questions!

"We love you Baby." They said, voices already fading.

The light completely faded. I was alone again. In pure, suffocating darkness...

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