House Party....

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[Your Pov ]

I walked into the house and I realized something..... I'm way too old for this. There was heavy, suffocating smoke and the distinct smell of weed in the air. Couples everywhere doing things that really should be done in private. Hilary left me a long time ago and I just walked through the house slowly, hoping that any minute Hil would walk in and say it's time to go. This man kept trying to hit on me. He was clearly faded beyond words. He reeked of Peach Ciroc and weed.

" C'Mon Babe, Why don't you come with me upstairs so we can get to know each other better. "

"I'm fine. " I scowled.

" You know you want to."

"No I really don't. "

Then He became more aggressive. He grabbed my arm, digging his sharp nails into my skin. I'm gonna admit, I'm afraid.

"Please leave me alone. "

" No sweetheart, you're not getting away from me. "

" Please!I'm begging. "

[Prince Pov ]

My old friend Lorenzo texted me about a house party his cousin Joel is having. I thought aye what the heck, I haven't partied in a while, so in went to the party.

The party was crazy, and I was having fun. It reminds me of the huge parties Roc would have for his birthday. I got up from the couch to refill my drink. When I was leaving the kitchen I saw (Y/N). I looked down at the red cup in my hand(AN: Red cup in ya hand, they leaving you staying... Lol I had to do it). I've had one too many and I'm hallucinating.

"Please! I'm begging."

I'm not hallucinating and that nigga is bothering my woman. I drained my cup and walked over there.

" She said no. Now leave her alone. " I said, my jaw jumping.

The man turned around and looked me up and down.

"Shut up witcho Michael Jackson Blame It On the Boogie looking ass. Find your own woman. "

"She is my woman and you got about 15 seconds to get your nasty hands off her. "

" Ooohh I'm sooo scared of you Michael. " He slurred.

" 10...9....8....7....6.....5...4....3...2...1...." I counted, waiting on him to let her go.

I punched him in his mouth and he fell to the floor.

"The name's Prince. Get it right. " I said to his unconscious body.

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand ,walked her outside,and to her car. She saw her new friend standing outside and called for her to come on. They got in the car and drove off.

I got in my car and drove home. I took a shower and put on a pair of gym shorts and climbed into bed. I laid there and stared up at the ceiling,thinking about nothing.

" Umm Thanks for saving me back there. I owe you one. " YN said quietly.

I didn't take my eyes off the ceiling. I didn't say a word. She left the room and shut the door slowly. I groaned out loud. Why is love so hard?

[Prod Pov ]

I heard a soft knock on my door. Not even bothering to put on a shirt, I opened it. It was (Y/N).

"Hey ."

" I need to talk big brother." She rasped.

"Okay come on in " I smiled.

She walked in and flopped down on the bed and got under the covers. I came over to my side and got in.

"What's up Mrs. Grown Woman?"

"Ha Ha very funny. Seriously though My husband hates me. " She pouted.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just hurt. He has to protect you and He goes overboard sometimes. He loves you. "

" I know Prod but I'm tired of being babied. " She groaned.

" Just deal with it until we catch the person that's coming after y'all. "

" I guess I can do it."

"That's my girl. "

" Hey, where is Uncle Jonah?"

" He went out with Mama Teresa tonight. " I laughed.

"No way!Mama Teresa better werk! "

We laughed and talked for the rest of the night and then we fell asleep. I hope Babygirl can work out all her problems with Princeton.

[Mystery Pov ]

The time is ticking. I'm gonna make my move soon.....everything is going according to plan.....It's just a matter of when. Keeping them on their toes. I'm closer than they think.

*********AN **********

Hey guys....(Y/N) and Prince got some smart mouths huh? Lol but who do you think the Mystery person is? Comment and vote!!!

Peace and Love.

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