One Step Closer....

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[Tay Pov ]

We pulled up to the cabin to see Officer's Mathis' squad car outside. Ray, Lisa and I walked into the house . Officer Mathis stood up with his hat in his hand.

"Hello Tavonna... We have more news. " He said with a smile.


I sat down next to (Y/N) and Prince and held my sister's hand. Lisa stood in the door jamb and watched intently.

"We dusted your mother's room for finger prints. We have a few samples and we believe we have narrowed it down to 100 people. "

We nodded and He continued.

" With this brick and note that was thrown today, we should be able to come up with a will take a couple of days. " He said optimistically.

" We don't have a couple of days!! They are going to be dead in a couple of days. " He said, getting angry.

"Prince calm down, we'll be cool. " I reassured him

Prince clenched his jaw and stared out the window. Hot tears ran down his cheek. I was angry about not being able to control this.

" I'm not losing her again.... I'M NOT. " He seethed.

He got up and punched hole through the wall, walked outside and slammed the door, causing the walls to shake.

"Don't mind him, he's just a little stressed. " She smiled, weakly. She stayed and listened although we knew she wanted to leave and comfort Princeton. Officer Mathis nodded slowly.

"I can understand....I would be the same way if something like this was happening to my Ruth Anne. "

"Is that your wife?"

" She's more than that...she's my bestfriend, my soulmate, my everything." Officer Mathis smiled.

"Aww that is so sweet." YN and I cooed.

"I wish I had someone who would love me like that. " I pouted.

"He may be closer than you think." YN nodded at the opening door.

Diggy walked in the door and threw his bags down. He ran over to us and picked me up while hugging me.

" Are you okay Gorgeous?"

I didn't have butterflies in my stomach, I had elephants. I could do nothing but nod. Diggy put me down and picked up (Y/N) the same way.

"Are you okay Bestfriend?"

"Yes Diggs, I'm fine... But I think you may need to check on Prince. "

Diggy nodded and walked out the direction Prince did.

[Diggy Pov ]

I want to end the drama between Prince and I. I walked out onto the deck in the backyard of the cabin to Prince sitting in a chair staring at the mountains in the distance. He looked up at me and sucked his teeth.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for your drama right now. " He snarled.

" No drama bruh. I just wanted to come out here level with you. "

" Okay... go on "

"There is nothing going on with (Y/N) and I. We did go on a date but we just have that connection.You're her one and only dude. It was childish of me to try to make you jealous and I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" I said, holding out my hand.

Prince stared at my hand...I silently prayed.

"Alright... I forgive you. But if you put your hands on me again and it will be round 2. " He laughed playfully.

I laughed and nodded

"You cool? I saw the wall. " I raised an eyebrow.

"Man this is getting to me. I can't lose her...not after I got her back. "

" I know.... are you gonna tell her? "

"That I left her for some chick I met in the gym and after one little kiss, I left her and my kids for three years. But That's okay, Cause I came back and asked her to pretend to be married for a 8 month tour, then convinced her to give me another chance and then when things were going good, I got into an argument with her bestfriend,got into a fight causing her to run out of the club and get hit by someone who apparently wants her dead? "

" You what?! " I heard a female woman exclaim.

" Oh shit."

I looked up at the furious woman infront of us and sighed....we're in trouble now.

I Want My Life Back( A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now