Getting Back To Normal

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Coroner's Report:

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Height: 5'4

Weight: 155 pounds.

Cause of Death: Single gunshot wound to the chest.

*2 weeks later*

[Tay Pov ]

She's gone. My sister is actually gone. Diggy held my hand as I walked over to the tombstone. She was so young, and she had her problems but she was still family. I broke down.

Hilary was shot by a sniper, and we later discovered that she had escaped from a mental hospital. She wasn't getting her proper medicine which caused her to behave the way she did. I looked over at my other sister (Y/N). She wept as hard as I, maybe even harder. Walking slowly over to her, I held out my hand. She grabbed it and together we walked over to the tombstone and each placed a kiss on the cold marble. We turned around and walk towards our car. We looked at each other, never separating our hands.

"I really think you should talk to Princeton. It has been 2 weeks and he is very sorry."

"I don't know Tay. I'll think about it, but right now all I'm thinking about is my babies. I haven't seen them in a couple weeks. "

I nodded at her. This should be interesting.

[Your Pov ]

I thought for sure I was dead the other day. The lord spared my life and for that I am very grateful. Everything can go back to normal now and I am relieved. We pulled up at Mama Teresa's house and my heart started beating out of my chest. I got out of the car and walked into the house and instantly I was suffocated by hugs.

"Hey Mama Teresa. "

" Come on little girls, we need to talk."

We followed her up to her room. Mama Teresa and I would sit down and talk in here for hours when I was a teenager. We sat down on the bed.

"What is wrong with you and my son? You two used to be inseparable...I used to think that you two were gonna make me a 30 year old grandma. "

" 30?! " I said.

" Okay 45! But that's not the point. "

"Ma, he lied to me. I don't know if we can fix this. "

" Come here Niñas. Listen to this story.....Okay so there was this little girl who fell in love with a boy that her parents hated. He was the wrong color, he came from the wrong neighborhood , everything was wrong with him. But to her none of that mattered. She only wanted him. So she'd sneak around with him but one day, she became pregnant with his child. He disappeared, and she was sure he had abandoned her and the baby. Her heart was broken and her one true love was gone. "

"So What happened to the girl?"Tay asked, wonder in her voice.

" She raised her child alone, but he turned out to be very successful except for his horrible relationship skills....the moral of the story is, when you have someone that you love,and they love you back, you hold on to them. "

"Thank you! I've been trying to tell her that for the past two weeks." Tay sighed.

"Shut up!"

" Don't make me get on your case Miss Tavonna. You know that Diggy boy likes you. Give him a chance Niña."

I just snickered.

" Besides, I dreamed about a fish last night. " Mama Teresa smiled, looking at me.

"Uh uh Ma don't look at me,four is enough! I've met my grandchildren quota. " I chuckled.

"Then it must be you Miss Tay. "

"No Mama, that must be a mistake. "

"I said that the first time she dreamed of fish, I had triplets. It's you're turn Tay Bay. " I laughed.

Later that night, I walked out into the humid California air. I sat on the tree swing and looked up at the stars. As I started to swing, I closed my eyes. I began to think of all the fun memories I've had here.

[Flashback ]

Like Usain Bolt, I shot across the yard. It was Princeton's 16th birthday and we were playing tag. I almost tagged him but I tripped over a root from the large oak tree in the front yard.

"Oww! I think I sprained my ankle. " I groaned.

"Aww Babe are you okay."

"No but I will be." I held my ankle.

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

I leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. His eyes were still closed.

"Tag, you're it. " I whispered.

I got up and ran through the house. Mama Teresa yelled from the kitchen.

"Deja de correr en mi casa!"(Stop running in my house!)

I ran up the stairs, two at a time and ran into Prince's room. I ran into the closet and hid. I sat there for a long time until I heard the door open. Beans ran to the closet door and started to scratch on it. Princeton opened the door and Beans jumped on me and started barking.

" Hi ." I said looking up.

"You cheated. " He scowled.

"No. I really didn't. You just fell for it. "

"Whatever, just know I got you next time."

Later we sat on the tree swing, looking up at the stars. His arm was around my waist and my head was in his lap. He played with my hair as we swayed back and forth.

" I love you Perez." I smiled.

"I love you too Perez. " He chuckled.

" I'm not a Perez. " I giggled.

"Yet. " He said, seriously.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Why do you love me Perez? "

" Baby, you get me, the real me. You can light up my world with your laugh. You are crazy, quirky, compassionate, sweet and caring. You are so gorgeous that you sometimes take my breath away. You are perfect for me, the only woman I will ever love."

I sat up on the swing and looked into his eyes, the moon was reflecting in them. He leaned forward and kissed me. My heart dropped and I knew from then that I loved him and only him. He was the one for me ,my soulmate. It sounds corny but it's true.

Things aren't as simple as they were back then. I wish they were but the aren't. Why is love so hard?

**********AN ************

Hey everybody! Y'all know I couldn't let her die! lol.

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