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[ Prod Pov]

"Yeahh.Uh huh,two dozen.Yeah for 4:30. thanks. " I hung up with the florist. We were in New York for a few days on break before the show and I want to show my baby a good time.

I walked off the balcony and into Char and I's hotel room. I glared at the couch that she made me sleep on last night. I know she's celibate and all but that was cruel.

I can sleep in the same bed with her without trying something... maybe. Aye don't judge me I AM Prodigy. Anyways, She walked out of the bathroom wearing some sweats and a tank top.

"Hey Baby." She smiled broadly.

"Hey. Going running with (Y/N)? " I smiled at her. Her smile is so contagious, and well...beautiful.

"Yeahh but I'll be back later... we're going to shop a bit after we take the kids to (Y/N)'s Aunt Clara's house. " She kissed my cheek.

" Okay have fun Babe." I said, kissing her forehead. She smiled and left. I laid back on the bed with a mischievous smile.

" Now I can get some real sleep."

[ Your Pov]

Heart pounding, sweat pouring, I felt the fatigue overcome me. I felt like giving up.. and I just let go. I stopped and heaved a shaky breath.

" Damn girl. I couldn't keep up with you... I wasn't about to sprain my ankle messing around with you." Char panted, finally catching up with me..

"Sorry... My mind was just AWOL." I smiled weakly.

"Let's talk about it then. What's on you mind ?"

"I think I want to get back with Prince. " I sighed.

"Hallelujah!" She said, clapping once and looking up.

" Shut up Char! I'm serious. " I laughed.

" So am I. You guys clearly love each other so much. I want you guys to get back together. "

"I'm terrified that he will break my heart again. Char, I'm just getting back to normal from the last time. I don't think I can do that again. " I stressed, covering my face with my hands.

"You have to let go of that fear. You need to enjoy the next 8 months to the fullest and at the end if you feel the same way then go your own way. Don't let fear keep you from happiness. " She replied, patting my shoulders.

" I don't know."

" Look Chica. You need to get it together. Besides, it's time to go get the babies to take them to Aunt Clara's. " She smiled.

We drove back to the hotel and went upstairs . We showered and changed clothes.

Char had straightened her long black hair and added a turquoise blue bow. She was wearing a turquoise and black shirt that said "love yourself " and light blue jean booty shorts with frayed ends.

She borrowed my black Doc Martens( without asking of course like her usual self ) and put a black case on her phone. I left my hair naturally curly and put a yellow bow in it. I was wearing my Nirvana cut off shirt and shorts identical to Char's.

I put on my yellow Doc Martens with black laces. I put my Nirvana phone case on my phone and we grabbed our purses then left the room. We walked down the hall to Prince's room where he and the kids were. The door was cracked slightly and we heard them talking. We stood at the door and listened.

"Mr. Prince do you know my Papí?" Jacobi asked with a hopefully smile.

" I sure do. " Prince smiled back.

" What is he like?" Chrestany asked.

"Well Ney Ney, He hasn't been the best of a person in the last few years but he's gonna make it up."Me and Char looked at each other and shrugged.

" Is he gonna come back?" Rayven asked too.

"He's gonna try." He replied, pinching her cheek.

"Does he love us?" Crysta finally asked. I could hear the hurt in her voice. My poor baby. Princeton is such a dickhead.

"More than he can describe. "

"What about our Mamí?" Jacobi smiled.

" Cobs He loves your Mamí so much it hurts. "

I gasped. Char nudged me in the side with her elbow as if to say 'See!". I glared at her. We walked into the room to see all of them on the floor around Prince.

"Hi Mamí." They chorused.

"Hey! " I smiled.

"Hey Baby. Nice outfit. " Prince smirked.

"Thanks. "

"What, no kiss? " He smiled. I scoffed and blew him a kiss.

"Are we about to go to Aunt Clara's house?" Crysta asked. I murmured a thank you, I'm ready to get the hell out of here.

I frantically grabbed all their stuff and Char caught on and herded my kids towards the door.

"Bye Mr. Prince! " They said at different times.

" Bye guys! " He waved.

I got to the door and looked back. He was staring at me with one of his seductive stares. The memories flooded back.I nervously bit my lip and turned around quickly.

I closed the door after me and leaned against it. I sighed and tried to regain my composure. It was a silent ride in the car to Aunt Clara 's but inside my mind it was the exact opposite.

I stared out the window on the passengers' side where I was seated. I couldn't get his eyes out of my head. What I saw on their dark depths threatened to burn me alive. Somewhere in the back of my mind I realized, Hey, I might enjoy being burned.

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