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[Your Pov]

I'm sitting in the doctor's office, awaiting test results. I believe I have the stomach flu. I've been throwing up, running a fever and sneezing for the past few days. My husband Princeton is holding my hand and waiting with me. We've been remarried for three months now and it's been amazing.

" Is your stomach still hurting?" Princeton asked.

"A little."

" Aww my poor baby!" He pouted, kissing me.

The doctor walked in with kool-aid smile on her face. She stopped in front of us and continued to smile.

"So what's the news Doc?"

" Well the good news is, (Y/N) doesn't have stomach flu. "

"That's good! "

" But I must ask you a question." She cheesed.


" Have you been sexually active lately?"

Prince and looked at each other at the same time. He smiled devilishly. She has no idea.

"Umm yes." I said.What does this have to do with my illness lately.

" Have you missed a period?"

"Yes but I thought that maybe the flu had something to do with that."

"Well no but I'm 99.9% sure you're pregnant. Congratulations. " She smiled. Prince laughed in disbelief.

My eyes widened and I looked at Prince.He was smiling cockily.Why is that blexican man so virile?!

"Not again! Ay Dios Mio!"

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