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~about 3:30 in the afternoon~

[Your Pov ]

I walked into the living room to see Jacobi tickling Roc' s neck. That little boy is sooo crazy.. I heard his laugh. He has the cutest little laugh....He is a tiny little thing and then all of a sudden this loud sound of joy explodes from his mouth...then I heard Roc laughing... his laugh is funny too. It's starts off deep and then it suddenly turns into a High pitched cackle. I saw them having a tickle war .

"Hahahahahahaa I won!" Jacobi yelled.

"Now you know you didn't win...I'm the Apocalypse....I'm unbeatable. " Roc said, kissing his teeth.

" No I'm the Apocalypse. "

"You're the nephew of the Apocalypse." Roc replied emphatically.

" Is the nephew of the Apocalypse stronger than the Apocalypse?"Jacobi asked.

" Of course not!" Roc said, feigning a shocked tone.

"Then I'm not the nephew of the Apocalypse. I AM the Apocalypse." Cobs said, finally noticing me.

He jumped off the couch and ran to me, grabbing my leg. I was still laughing from their argument.

"Hey Mamí."

"Hey Baby.What are you doing?"

"Ohh nothing handling my lightweight. " Jacobi laughed, mocking Ray Ray.

"Aight Cobi, I'll remember that when you want cookies. " Roc smirked, knowing he hit a soft spot. My baby loves himself some cookies.

Jacobi's eyes grew wide....He ran to Roc.

" Nooo Uncle Rocky! I'm sorry ." He pouted.

" Prove it.Admit that I am the Apocalypse!" Roc sneered playfully.

Jacobi thought for a little while as if seeing which was more important - His beloved cookies OR his Apocalypse title. He opened his mouth.

" I'm gonna pass.Mamí will give me cookies. Isn't that right?" He asked, smiling up at me.

"It sure is Bubba. "

" Man Fluffy I see how it is!.I thought you were my day one. " Roc said. .

" I am your day one. Your day one the Apocalypse, don't worry you can be the Uncle Of the Apocalypse. "

"I guess I can live with that." Roc replied before looking at me. " Are you about to go running?"

" Yeahh. You know I gotta stay in shapeand yall let me eat all that chocolate cake last night.If I get fat it's your fault. " I laughed.

"Don't worry Babygirl you're far from fat.You just a little thick." He said, looking me up and down.

" Shut up Roc!"

"Go run. I got everything under control here.. the girls are taking a nap and Prod and Ray went to get food." He laughed.

"Okay.I got my phone if you need me. " I said before closing the door.

I walked out of the house and onto the sidewalk. I turned on my iPod and pressed play. Tye Dye the Night by Mod Sun came on and I began to run.

I saw a man running far in front of me. He looked so familiar. I ran to catch up with him and I looked at him closely... he did the same. Our eyes widened in recognition at the same time. I can't believe who is standing in front of me.

"Diggs! "

" Superstar!" Diggy smiled.

When I first started to date Prince, We went on a summer long tour with Diggy, Jacob Latimore and the OMG Girlz. I became close to all of them but me and Diggy became BESTFRIENDS . I told Diggs everything and he did the same. He was like an overprotective older brother. He nicknamed me Superstar when he found out I could sing and dance.

We were as close as close could be and when the tour ended we kinda drifted apart. I missed Diggy. I'm so glad I ran into him. Seeing him again was like not seeing family for a while and then spending sometime together.... it makes you feel warm inside.

"So Superstar, a little birdy told me you're a mommy now."

" Yeah I have four-"

" Four?!" He croaked.

"Calm down Diggs.....As you can see I'm not the same 15 year old you used to watch over anymore." I laughed.

"Yeah Ma... I definitely see that." He said, biting his lip.

" You're nasty Diggs."

We walked around talking until way after the sun went down. It was just like old times. He walked me home and promised to come back tomorrow. I walked in the house and I saw my children attacking Roc.

"Get off of Uncle Roc "

They got off of him and ran to me.

"Hey Mamí." They each said at different times.

"Hey Babies. " I smiled.

I looked at the clock....It's 7:50...

" Isn't it bath time?" I said, raising a brow.

" That's what I was trying to get them to do until they attacked me." Roc tattled.

" Sorry Rocky... I'll bathe the girls in my bathroom and you can bathe Jacobi in the guest bathroom. "

We bathed them and tucked them in. We sat on the couch to watch some TV.

"Roc you'll never guess who I ran into today!" I said excitedly.

"Umm Diggy Simmons?" He replied nonchalantly.

"How'd you know?"

"He called me and told me he was moving in this neighborhood. "

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask Ma..Is that what took you so long to get home?" He cheesed.

I could feel the fiery blush burn my cheeks.I know he's finna say something.

"Are you blushing? " He said smirking.

"No." I blushed harder.

" (Y/N) and Diggy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S- I -N-G." He sang like a kindergartener.

" Shhhhhhhhh!! Stop playing. "

" Okay Mrs. Simmons." He smirked again.

"Shut the hell up."

I'm going to kill Roc Royal....he play too much....


Lol Jacobi and Roc 's argument is based off a real argument that my cousin and his daddy always have...I'm going to see the fam this weekend... I'm Happy......Anyway... Awwww Diggs!!!;) Comment and Vote! Tell me what you think.....

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

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