Strike Two

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[Your Pov ]

The smell of breakfast woke me up the next morning. I got out of bed and streched. Too lazy to change clothes or comb my wild hair, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I entered the kitchen to see Uncle Jonah making a huge breakfast.

" Hey Uncle JoJo." I said sleepily.

He turned around and laughed at me.

" JoJo?"

" I was gonna call you Uncle Booger Bear. " I laughed.

"But then again Uncle JoJo has a ring to it! " He smiled.

" That's what I thought.... Where's Tay?"

"She and Ray ran to the store for groceries.... something about needing taco stuff."

"Uh oh Ray Ray and his tacos. "

Prince walked to the kitchen .

"Hey Everybody. " He smiled that gorgeous smile.

" Hey son. "

" Hey baby." I said, kissing his cheek.

"You feeling better Bonita?"

I nodded yes. I don't though, to be real I feel terrified. I don't know who this person is and they could be anywhere.

"Cheer up Butterfly. "

I smiled weakly at Uncle Jonah.

"I know what will cheer you up. " Uncle Jonah smiled.

"What's that Uncle JoJo?"

" You sure can make up some nicknames. " Princeton laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing.....Guess who's coming to visit later today?" Uncle Jonah answered.


" I was informed by a certain Afro-Headed Man that you prroobbabbllyy owned an all white horse named Majesty when you were younger. " He finished with a sly smile.

I immediately started smiling like and idiot. Majesty was my bestfriend when I was a little girl. I had two pets, Majesty and a Yorkie named Gabby. When my adoptive parents died, I was only 11, so I had to live with my Grandma Lucille. We had to sell Majesty to the nearest stable. I never saw her again.

"Why didn't you tell me Puffles? " I smiled, hitting Princeton's arm.

"Ahhh! It was a surprise Princesa. " He laughed.

I gave Prince a peck on the lips and gave Uncle Jonah a hug. We ended up just standing there hugging for a long time. I felt at home, absolutely safe. Love. I pulled back and smiled up at my Uncle.

"Well, the food smells great! I'm about to dig in. " I laughed.

" Go on Butterfly."

I ate. I ate. I ate. I can't stress the fact that I ate any more. I ate so much that I wanted to go up stairs to take a nap. I thanked Uncle Jonah for the great meal and grabbed Princeton by his finger.

" Where are we going?" He chuckled.

"To slleeeepppp!!! " I groaned.

Prince waved courtly at Uncle Jonah and followed behind me like a two year old following his mommy. When I walked in the room, I fell face first on the bed and groaned.

"Uhhhhhh why am I such a fat ass! " I groaned.

"Does my baby have a tummy ache?"

" Yeeesss ohhh my gosh. "

" Awww come here. This is what my Mommy used to do to make my tummy feel better.."

He rolled me over and lifted my shirt a little bit. He rubbed my stomach gently and softly but firmly at the same time. I instantly felt better. He leaned down and did a zerburt(blew raspberries ) on my stomach. I laughed loudly until the zerburt turned into soft kisses.

" Aye Aye Aye! Mama Teresa didn't do all that. " I scolded.

"That was a Papí Princeton addition. "

I shook my head.. This nigga is crazy. I saw something approaching the window quickly.


A solid item penetrated the window, landing with a thud on the floor. Prince picked it up to reveal a note taped to a brick. Princeton read it aloud.

" Few more days to live "Princesa".... The truth will be revealed to you in three. Signed, A Friend " Princeton read.

[Tay Pov ]

Ray and I were on our way back from the store when we saw a lady standing on the side of the road. It was thundering and I didn't want her to be stuck in the rain. I slowed the car down.

" What are you doing?" Ray Ray said looking up from his phone.

" I'm seeing if she needs help."

"Are you serious Tay?! She could be a killer. You pick her up on the side of the road Monday and then Sunday you are cut up in her freezer as leftovers. "

" Aww Ray Ray ,you are too paranoid. I'm sure she is perfectly normal. " I chuckled.

"She ain't gonna kill me...I'm too fine to die." He pouted like a bitch.

"Pshh okay. Whatever."

I pulled up beside her and let my window down.

" Ma'am! Do you need some help?"

" Uhh Yeahh. I have nowhere to stay." She replied.

"Well it's about to start raining. We're staying in the cabin up the road. You can stay with us tonight. "

" Ohh thank you so much ma'am... You are a good good lady. I'm Lisa by the way."

"Okay Nice to meet you Lisa. "

She nodded and got in the back seat. Ray Ray is paranoid for nothing... She seems perfectly nice.

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