Background Info..

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The girls do occasionally ask about Prince but they don't really remember what he looks like or anything. Their Uncles tell them and Jacobi about him all the time and they are hoping that he will come back one day but they view Roc, Prod and Ray as their daddies. They slip up sometimes and call them Daddy. In fact, the guys go to all the girls' Kindergarten functions. For show and tell Ray Bird brought her Uncle Ray, and introduced him as her daddy. The girls are very attached to them. They are content with living with their three daddies Prod, Roc and Ray. Little do they know their real father, their Papi, is coming back.

(Y/N ) is looking forward to moving on... hopefully finding someone that can deal with all the complications in her life and that can love her children as their own. She has long ago given up the hope that Prince will come back to her,but deep down she still loves him as much as before. It's gonna be hard to finally let him go but hey, she needs to move on so the guys can get lives too.

They need a real love... and They're not gonna find it while trying to take care of and protect her.... in a way, she can't see her life with out having to wait an hour for Roc to get out of the bathroom in the morning cause he is standing in there obsessing over his appearance , or having to cook a bunch food for Prod ,the bottomless pit , or even having to do Ray Ray's hair everytime she does the children's. She has definitely got used to life like this but she doesn't want the boys to not be happy because of her. They've made sure she and the kids were Okay but now she wants them to be....

**********AN ************

Hey guys...this is a chapter just letting you know how everyone is and what mindset They're in right now. Comment and Vote!

Tell me what you think!!

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

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