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[Prod Pov ]

I'm furious at that Blexican nigga right now.Please don't let me see that Nigga in the street. Roc and Ray were over on the couch trying to comfort (Y/N) . I walked over and crouched in front of her.

"Look (Y/N) I know you loved him but you gotta be strong for the girls and the baby that's coming. " I said, pulling a piece of her soft hair out of her eyes.

" Prod I can't. H-he just ripped out my heart and stepped on it then threw it back in my face."She cried.

" I'm going to beat the brakes of that nigga." Roc said, teeth clenched.

"I agree. " Ray seethed.

" You guys don't do that.I want him to be happy.E-even if it's not with me." She sniffled.

I left the room seething with anger.I had to make some calls.I called Mama Teresa first.

"Hola?Craig? " She said, after a few rings.

"Hey Mama Teresa. " I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worried.

"Well Mama, Prince just came over her and asked (Y/N) for a divorce so he can be with some bi- I mean woman."

I had to hold the phone away from my ear because Mama Teresa started yelling and cursing in Spanish.

" Wait till I get hold of him.Ooohh just wait!" She yelled. "I'll kill him. Point blank I am.Does he not realize what he has?! My child is an idiot! Wooowww this boy is so stupid. How's (Y/N) holding up?"

" Not good Mama.We need you to keep the girls over there for a couple of days."

" No problem."

She began talking in Spanish under her breath,undoubtedly cursing Prince again.

"Thanks Ma.One of us will come get them in three or four days."

" Okay tell (Y/N) that I said I love her. I love you Prod.Y'all Please take care of her."

" I will , love you too Ma."

I hung up and conference called Walt and Keisha. They were just as mad.

"Tweet the fans that MB is going on a two year break to work on the new album. " Keisha said after a strand of expletives flew from her mouth.

" Hold it down Prod and get this straightened out."

" I got it."

I hung up and walked into the living room.

" MB is on a two year break. We're gonna straighten all this out.Mama Teresa is keeping Cray, Ney Ney, and Ray Bird for a couple of days."

"Thank you so much you guys.... I don't know what I would do without you." She said, kissing each of us on the cheek.

"We love you (Y/N) .You're like a baby sister to us. We are here for you,but Please stop crying.He is definitely not worthy of your tears sweetie. " Roc pouted, looking up at her as she sat on the couch and he kneeled on the Floor in front of her.

"Do not waste another one on him.Hold your head up and keep it moving Babygirl."Ray said, cheesing like the goofball he usually is.

" I'll try,but you don't understand. I don't even know what I did wrong.I loved that man from my SOUL."

" We know, but he didn't appreciate you.You deserve better." I smiled.

"Thanks let the healing begin.Well since you guys took such good care of me, how bout I cook dinner." She said faking a smile.

"Really?" We said, entertaining her charade.

"Really Really. " She smiled, weakly.

"Yes ma'am!" We grinned.

She laughed and waddled to the kitchen. Now we can really talk.

"She's trying to fake for us so we don't worry about her." Roc correctly observed.

"Yeah I know.It's amazing that Prince was able to destroy her world in 5 minutes. Selfish bastard. " Ray said, shaking his head.

"I know. If I saw him right now I would wring his neck."

" You and me both. "Roc said staring into space.

"I hope that nigga is proud of himself. "

~Mel's House~

[Mel's Pov ]

This doesn't feel right.... I took him from his wife...He knows NOTHING about me. I looked over at him asleep on the other side of the bed. I like him, I admit that... but love.... .I don't think so... I need to teach Prince a lesson in he will NEVER forget...

*****AN *********

On October 20, 2010 , a group of the cutest boys stole my heart, especially the one with the Afro .....I been with them ever since that day and I ain't going no where! I would say I been there since the beginning but that was the earliest I knew about you but if I coulda found y'all earlier I would've! Team Mindless till I DIE. So to my Peace Spreading Misfit Hippy, I love you Prince and Happy Birthday!!! I can't believe you're already baby's growing up!! and remember you can be John Lennon and I can be your Yoko Ono!:)<3 (you know minus the first wife and assassination but you know what I mean!) P.S. Happy Birthday To Kobe also ...My BestFriend since 7th grade and it feel like waaayyy longer....thanks for understanding my weirdness and embracing my Misfit side you bro!!


Hippie And Misfit


Anyway guys: Comment and Vote Please Please Please! I know the thirst is real but still!

What lesson does Melody plan on teaching Prince?

Will the guys,Keisha and Walter and Mama Teresa kill Prince? Lol

What do you think will happen next?

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