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[Your Pov ]

I have a twin. A sister. I'm adopted. What?! I'm just staring at Tavonna confused. She is babbling on and on about how excited she is.

"Tavonna, hold on. What you're saying is that I'm adopted, and You're my twin sister?"

"Yes (Y/N)! We're sisters!! "

I jumped up and hugged Tay. I cried tears of joy from meeting my biological sister. Wait. What about our parents?

"What about our mother and father?"

"Well our mother, Maria Lockhart, was an ex-drug addict in witness protection when she had us. She lived in a small mountain town in Colorado. "

"Why was she in witness protection?"

"She testified against her drug dealer,our father,for murdering her friend. He was given life with no possibility of parole. He sent some people after her and she put us up for adoption. "

" Is she still alive?"

" Sadly no. She died of Pancreatic Cancer a few years ago. I did meet her brother though. His name is Jonah and he said she never stop regretting giving us up."

I silently nodded and got up to get some tissue for both of us. When I came back around the corner Tay was trying to break free of Princeton's grip.

"Babe let her go."

His head snapped towards me, causing his Afro to shake. I wanted to laugh so hard. He was so confused right now.

" W-what's going on here?"

" This is Tay...My sister. "

"Sister?! Babe I thought you were an only child?!"

" So did I.... but apparently I was adopted by my parents. "

"So are you guys-"

"Yeahh we're twins. "

" Wow! I think I need to sit down ." He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Babe I'm a twin not pregnant. " I laughed.

" That can be arranged." He muttered.

" Nahh four is enough. "

"You have four kids?" Tay smiled.

"Yes ma'am, you have three nieces and a nephew. "

"Wow, that's great.. I can't wait to meet them. " She beamed proudly.

The front door open and Diggy walked in. I ran into his arms. I haven't seen him since I was 15.(AN: Her latest memory is what happened in "Looking Back " so she doesn't remember anything that happened with Diggy )

" Diggs !" I yelled.

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I'm good...What are you doing here? Are you coming on the trip with us?" I said excitedly.

"Uhhh (Y/N) I don't think that is such a good idea." Prince said.

" Why not?"

"No reason." He said scratching the back of his neck, very attractively, I might add.

" C'mon Babe he is my bestfriend! Please Princey Poo?! " I pouted.

" Yeah Please?! " Diggy pouted too.Prince just nodded and left.

" Yay!! Ohh wait where are my manners? Diggs this is my sister Tavonna. "I said, gesturing towards Tay.

Tay was starstruck. Diggy smiled slyly at her... he's tryna turn on the charm now.

" Well I definitely see the resemblance.... You're both gorgeous. " He said, kissing her hand.

She giggled shyly.... It's the Simmons magic. My sister doesn't even realize.

"Tay you should come to Colorado with us and we can go see Uncle Jonah and learn more about our Mom. "

" Alright Sis. " She said, still staring at Diggy.

I shook my head.... I'm sensing another couple coming on. Princeton came down stairs with the bags in his hands. I turned off all the lights and set the alarm. Tay got her bags out of her car and put her bags in our car. Diggy went home to pack and said he would come to Colorado tomorrow. We got in the car and drove to the airport where we met up with everyone else. I can't help but feel like something is going to happen.

[Mystery Pov ]

Awww how sweet! She met her sister.... Excuse me while I throw up. This makes it easier for me, kill two birds with one stone. I watched them across the terminal, conversing and having fun. She gave Princeton a kiss on his cheek and he turned a bright shade of crimson. That should be me. They have the perfect life and I'm all alone. That WILL be me..... It will only take a little time but I will be where she is. One day.

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