I Know You Lied

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[Prod POV ]

I had a feeling Prince was lying about helping Mama Teresa. I made an excuse to leave and I followed him to BJ's, seeing him meet a woman there. I ain't gonna lie, she was fine but (Y/N) is gorgeous. He better not be tryna cheat on her. I saw him get up and leave from the table. I paid Dani and followed behind him.

"Yo Prince!" I yelled.

He turned around, startled. He immediately got nervous.

" Uh h-hey Prod. I-I thought you were at my house? " He said, scratching the back of his neck.

" Nahh I left shortly after you. You know to get some food? I'm sterotypically always hungry, so I came out.I thought you were going to help Mama Teresa? " I said with my eyebrows raised.

He swallowed hard, trying to think up a good lie.

" I er just c-came from there actually." He lied his Blexican ass off.

" You know I can tell when you're lying right? I've known you since we were 11. Go on and tell the truth. " I said with a 'Nigga Please ' face.

"Where should I start? " He asked nervously.

"Traditionally, stories start at the beginning. Sounds like a damn good place to me." I replied smartly.

" Well umm, Charisma texted me earlier and asked me to meet with her.She tried to get with me and I turned her down." He said on one breath.

"See was that so hard?I'm gonna let this slide cause I believe you but just know that if you hurt YN ,I will personally come after you."I smiled not-so-sweetly.

"Thanks Prod. I would never hurt ( Y/N)." He sighed.

" Mhmm we'll see. I'm watching you."

I'm serious.He better not hurt her.


Lol Prod is so serious. He ain't playing with Princeton. Princeton better watch out.... Yeah I know this chapter was kinda boring but the next couple of ones will be better.

Comment any suggestions!

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