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[Your Pov ]

I was sitting in the dark, contemplating a way out. I looked up and I saw one tiny speck of light. Looking to my left, I saw a pebble. Struggling to pick it up because of the handcuffs, I finally grabbed it and managed to throw it at the speck. Ting. The sound of a rock hitting glass.

The ceiling is painted over with black paint. I wiggled towards the over turned chair in the corner. When I got over to the chair, I broke the handcuffs and climbed on top. I felt a gloved hand around my ankle.

" Leaving so soon are we?"

"As a matter of fact I am. "

This is where Roc's homemade self-defense classes come in handy. I round house kicked my attacker. They tried to pull me off the chair and I punched. It was dark in the room so I don't know exactly where I hit them but I know the punches landed. When they hit the floor unconscious, I broke the ceiling glass and climbed out.

When my feet connected with the ground I saw Roc and the guys rushing out of the car. The police pulled up seconds later. They went inside and grabbed my kidnapper and arrested him. They said his name is Andre' Smith and he is wanted for 6 other crimes in a three state region.

I ran into the arms of my husband and wept. I loved this man with every ounce of me and I know these people are my family. I'm safe yet again, in the arms of my Prince Charming.

[ Mystery Pov ]

That insolent twit got away again. Andre got sent to jail but ehh who cares? Lisa told and for that She was duly punished. She's at the mental hospital upstate. "My sister has schizophrenia ". They actually believed that bull. Everyone around me is utterly stupid.It's up to me now to handle my business.

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