Alone Time

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[Your Pov ]

Yes I'm still furious at Prince. If it wasn't for these kids lord knows I wouldn't be looking in his sorry face everyday. He takes the kids to school everyday and picks them up. He's a terrible husband but a very good father and they adore him. Even now they're downstairs playing. I rolled my eyes and walked into bathroom.

The thought of him in my house annoyed the hell out of me. I ran the water to take a bubble bath. I had a long day at work today. I was promoted to partner in my law firm last week and the work as been hectic ever since. Turning on the stereo system in the bathroom, I slowly undressed. The classical music that flowed out of the speakers instantly had a soothing affect on me. I eased down into the almost hot water and shut my eyes. I took a deep breath and reminiced about happier times.


I pushed as hard as I could. The sweat poured down my forehead. This is the last one. Princeton has to be an overachiever in everything, he would be the one to get me pregnant with triplets. He's standing beside me with the biggest smile on his face. Here I am, walking through the fiery pits of hell and despair and he's beside me smiling and shit.

"C'Mon Babe, last one."

I glared at him as I kept pushing. Thank you Jesus for epidurals. I looked around at the guys. Prod was holding my other hand and Ray Ray is standing beside him. Roc passed out a long time ago.

"For Christ's sake someone get Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August off the floor! " I semi yelled.

Ray Ray went over to him and softly slapped his face. I continued to push and push. When is this gonna be over?

" Okay (Y/N) last push and you be all done sweetie. " The doctor reassured me.

I gathered all the strength I could and pushed. I heard the sound of my baby crying for the first time. I smiled weakly and laid my head back.

"You have three girls. " The doctor beamed.

" I love you Baby. "

" Forever?" I panted.


"You're telling me I just pushed out three of your big headed babies and you ain't gonna love me forever?" I snapped.

"No, I'm gonna love you five ever."

" You are such a dork. " I chuckled.

"Yes but I'm your dork."

I smiled. Moments like that could make me really forgive him. I shook my head and let the water out of the tub. After putting on my pajamas, turned the lamp off and went to bed. I have another long day tomorrow,ahh the price of success.

********AN ********

Hey guys! I been thinking about doing a sequel to this. I have most of the first chapter typed already. If you want a sequel comment and let me know. If not alot of people comment, I won't do a sequel. Speak now or forever hold your peace!!

Don't forget to vote!!

Peace and Love.

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