Almost There ...

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[Prince Pov ]

Ever since that date we went on,(Y/N) and I have been inseperable. We haven't made anything official but it's just like we did. I have to say it feels like it did when we first started dating. We have fun and chill, we don't bring up any bad events that happened .

(Y/N) and I are sitting in my room on the bed watching Full House. The kids are back in Keisha 's room since she wanted to spend some time with her play grandchildren. We used to always watch this show together and since we've seen ALL the episodes, we knew all the lines.

"When I was little I swore I was gonna marry Uncle Jesse." She sighed dreamily.

"Why?" I scowled.

" Cause he was cute, and a musician and that hair ohhh my gosh." She said,getting lost in her thoughts.

"He's not that great. "

"Yeahh and he was too old for me. I found someone closer to my age that was just like him. He had the softest hair, the prettiest smile, the most gorgeous eyes and lips to die for. " She said, biting her lip.

" Is he cuter than me?" I frowned.

" It is you, baby."

" Ohh... hehe I knew that." I blushed, scratching my neck.

" Which is why you almost had a stroke Papi. "

" You know you wasn't going no where. you love my sexy Blexican self." I smiled over at her.

" Whatever Prince. "

"Say you love me. " I smirked.

"Nahh ."

I rolled over on top of her and put my lips about two inches from hers and stared deep into her eyes.

" Say you love me."

" N-no. " She breathed out.

"Mhmm you wanna play hard to get huh?" I licked my lips.

I knew her only weakness. I slowly moved my hands down her body. Her eyes widened and she tried to get out of my grasp. This is the purest form of punishment for her. She writhed and twisted under me,cried out loud,and fought to escape. I laughed at her. I love tickling her.

"Ahhh. I give up!" She laughed. I pecked her lips.

"Mhmmm good. Now say it. "

"I love you."

" I love you too, Baby."

I rolled off of her and cuddled her close to me. I placed my hand on her lower back and slowly ran my hand across it.

She sighed and laid her head on my chest. A few weeks ago we would of definitely not been in the same room let alone the same bed. I looked down at her and she looked like she was in deep thought.

"Babe what are you thinking about? "


To my utter shock she rolled onto me and kissed me deeply. She ran her fingers through my hair, which was a total turn on. I groaned slightly. She stopped for a moment and looked down at me.

She licked her lips. When I looked into her eyes, I saw pure desire. I bit my lip and stared back. What she did next surprised me. She started to lift my shirt over my head and threw it across the room. She slowly ran her hands all over my torso. I sharply inhaled at the feeling of her warm ,soft hands on my body. She didn't remove her gaze from my chest.

"I see you still workout. "She breathed heavily.

"Mhmm everyday."

I lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it in the same direction as my shirt, leaving her in a tank top. She kissed me again. I kissed her back with so much enthusiasm. I fought to control myself.

" I wanna wrestle too! " Jacobi yelled.

My kids ran and jumped on the bed. I looked up at (Y/N) who was blushing. Thanks Keish perfect timing..

"Let's play." Crysta smiled.

"Me and Mamí were about to have some real fun before you guys came in here. " I muttered.

The kids didn't hear me but (Y/N) did and she smiled and mouthed "later". I nodded and we started having a tickle fight with the kids. After the tickle fight, the kids fell asleep at the foot of the bed and

(Y/N) and I got under the covers. I snuggled close behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist..This is how my Family is supposed to be.

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