Meeting Charisma.

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[Prince Pov]

I pulled up to BJ's around 8:00. I immediately saw my usual waitress, Dani.

" Hey Prince! Eating alone? " Dani asked with a smile.

"Nahh I'm actually meeting someone."

" How's (Y/N) and the babies? " She inquired.

It felt wrong for me to be talking about my family when here I am waiting for another woman in a restaurant I'm not even supposed to be at right now.

" They're fine. "I said looking around, I really think I should've stayed my ass at the house.

"That's great.You have something really special, y'know? Not a lot of people can have a family like yours." She said making me know I should have my ass at the house.

"I know. " I said, eyes downcast.

She smiles and walks away. Dani's right. I do have something special, so why am I here? I decided to leave and as I was getting up I heard a feminine voice.

" I know you are not about to stand me up." It said.

I turned my head and my eyes connected with one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.(Y/N) is still prettier but this chick was up there in the looks department.

"You must be Charisma. N-nice seeing you again." I stammered.

Why am I nervous!?

" Yeah it's me." She smirked.

"H-have a seat." I said, gesturing to an empty chair.

Get it together Prince.We conversed and made small talk for thirty or so minutes.

" How have you been? " She asked politely.

"I've been well. Really just focused on the family right now." I said, showing her a picture of my girls, my lovely radiant girls.

" They're cute," She smiled, " but we came here to talk about us." She said, placing her hand on mine.

" Us? Since when is there an us? " I said, raising a brow.

"You don't feel this? The chemistry we have? "She frowned. Um,okay?

" I love my wife.I'd never do anything to hurt her or my family. I'm sorry if you feel like I lead you on." I replied honestly.

"Yeah you are right. I shouldn't have put you in this situation.friends?" She said, holding out her hand.

"Definitely, " I said whilst shaking her hand, " It's getting late.I should go. The girls cranky when I dont tuck them in." I chuckled.

" Cool,I understand. Maybe I can meet them soon? " She smiled.

"I'd love that.I'm sure the girls and ( Y/N) would love you. Take care Charisma."

Charisma waved at me and continued eating. I sighed and put my shades on.I feel so much better.

******AN ********

You thought Prince was finna cheat with Charisma ? Lol tbh he was at first then I changed my mind. Remember Charisma though. She is very important. Anyways

comment Please! I don't know whether y'all like the story or not... shout out to my girl Crystalshady! Thanks for being my first reader . Check her stories out! She's new at this like me but shawty got skills! Anyway comment me answers:

1. What do you think the new baby is gonna be and what would be his or her name?

2. What do you think Prince will do cause him to lose his family?

3. What role do you think Charisma will play in the story?

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