I guess I am ...

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[Your Pov ]

I woke up and groaned.... We had stopped, which means I have to become "Princeton's Wife." We were outside of tonight's venue in South Carolina, and the boys had a few promo interviews today.

Translation: ME and the Boys have promo today. I got up and ruffled through my closet, finding my blue and pink midriff shirt and some distressed short shorts( it was 98 degrees outside ) and laid them out . I put a lime green high-low dress and a jean jacket in a Duffel bag for later.

I went ahead and put on my long gold necklace with a feather on it, my gold studs and gold bangles, so they wouldn't get broken in the bag. I decided not to straighten my hair so I put some product in my bag so I can do my hair when I change clothes. I got in the shower, washed my hair and put on the clothes I had laid out and grabbed my phone. I said bye to my friends and Deuce. Keisha texted me.

"Hey (Y/N) , meeting on my bus in 15 minutes. "


I put on my beats while walking down the bus steps. My eyes squinting from the sun, I scanned my surroundings.

The warm air caressed my skin and I felt at ease.In the distance I spotted a bench. Might as well sit over there. I learned quickly that unless you want to become Keisha's impromptu assistant, you do not come early to a meeting. I pulled out my notebook and pen.

Feelings, bottled inside

Feelings , I try to hide.

Threatening to overflow

My true feelings must never show

Hurt's in the way

I think it's here to stay

I want to let it go

But somehow I know

My heart will not repair

but at this point I don't care

Only for a short time

You will be mine

I looked down at my phone. I've been sitting here for ten minutes. I got up and stretched. Walking slowly as possible I made my way to Keisha's bus. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Good Morning. "

" Morning Keish. "

I looked around, My eyes connecting with Prince's. My stomach dropped, my knees went weak and I fell in love all over again. I sighed dreamily until Keisha recaptured my attention.

"Okay guys." Keisha said, finally ready to begin.

My head snapped up quickly.. I just realized the rest of the guys aren't coming...shit! Keisha continued.

" Look guys, I know you have your differences but I'm not feeling the vibes that I felt when you guys were 14. I used to have to separate you guys because of all the PDA. I mean gosh... did y'all learn how to omit breathing?" She joked..

Me and Prince chuckled and then looked at each other. I felt the blush stain my cheeks and I returned my gaze to my folded hands resting in my lap.

"You gotta make this relationship believable, because you and I both know Team Mindless have some sharp eyes and bull radar. They can tell when you're lying so you better get it all lovey dovey up in here...excuse my ghetto language. "

" No problem Keish. " Prince said cockily.

He picked me up and placed me on his lap,the whole while staring into my eyes. He stared at me and bit his lip and placed the sweetest kiss on my lips. Jesus help me! I could do nothing but sit there in shock. He pulled back and looked at Keisha.

I Want My Life Back( A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now