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[Your Pov ]

"Try this one."

We were in the mall, at the last store,trying on party dresses. This one was sequined black and had a low cut back.

"Hil, I don't really know about this."

" Girl you will be fine, just trust Hilary and go try this on."

" Okay. "

I went into the dressing room. I stared into the mirror. Maybe Hilary is right. I got to get out from under Princeton's thumb. I slipped the dress on and gazed at my reflection. I think I looked pretty good. I walked out of the dressing room.

"That's the dress!"

"Are you sure Hil? " I laughed.

"Yes That's the one. C'Mon let's go. "

We paid for the dress and walked to my car. I drove to my house and we went upstairs to get dressed. Hilary wanted to make me over for the night so I let her.

"Okay Ma, You can look now. "

I turned around slowly and my mouth dropped open. My long hair was bone straight and my make-up was flawless. I looked nothing like myself. I smiled at Hilary and gave her a hug.

" I take it that you like it. " She laughed

" I love it! Thanks Hil. "

" Good, now let's go party.. "

[Prince Pov ]

I'm still furious at (Y/N). She's acting like a teenager and it's annoying me. I was sitting in the living room watching TV when my wife and a strange woman walked downstairs. Why is She dressed like that? She looks like those girls Keisha, Walter and Kenneth used to warn us about. That's the reason I fell in love with her in the first place. She was different. I don't know who this woman is in front of me. She's changed.

"Baby where are you going? "

" One, I'm not your "baby " I'm a grown woman and Two, I'm grown meaning I can go where I want and do what I want Comprende Papí?"

" Where is all this coming from?"

" You know, the usual analyses in my brain and then the brain tells my mouth to arrange the words and it comes out. "

" Who are you? " I said utterly shocked and confused.

" I'm (Y/N) YLN-Perez. Is there a problem?"

"Ohh okay. That's cool. Come back when you're acting like my wife. "

" No problem chief." She said, saluting me.

"Wow." I scoffed, turning around and walking away.

I walked down into the basement where everyone was sitting. I went to the mini fridge and grabbed three beers. I drank each in two gulps.

" Nigga, are you okay?" Roc chuckled.

" Not at all."

" What happened?" Prod asked.

I told them everything that happened. They were just as confused as I was.

"That doesn't sound like her at all. I know she trill, but damn. " Roc shook his head.

" I know. I don't know what's gotten into her. "

"She'll come around. She's just going through alot right now. " Ray reassured me.

" I guess so guys."

[Your Pov]

I know y'all are wondering what has gotten into me, well I can't tell you. I mean I just don't know, I'm tired of being babied all the time. They don't baby Tay like this. Most women would kill to be protected by Mindless Behavior but to me it's just annoying. I mean I regret talking to Prince like that. It's just he doesn't know when to quit sometimes. Hilary still hasn't told me where we are going so I'm just looking through the sun roof at the stars. I remember sitting under the stars with Princeton giving them names and telling stories with them. I sighed deeply and took out my phone and called Princeton to apologize.

" Hello?"

"Hello Mrs.Perez what did I do wrong this time?"


"Or am I too close to you? Do you want me to move to Uganda? Is that far enough away?"

"No I don't-"

"Maybe I need some space "

"What?! " I yelled.

" I think I'm gonna take some space bye." He said, kissing his teeth.

"Prince wait I-"

" Adios Mamí. "

He hung up on me! What just happened? I sat there with my mouth gaping open. I looked out the window as we pulled up to this crazy house party. I got out of the car with a mission. Let's go.

[Prince Pov ]

I'm fed up. My jaw tightened in anger and I slammed my phone down on the counter. Everyone looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

" Why'd you do that?" Tay said, confused.

"Tay I'm tired. She won't listen to anything I say. "

"You know that when you push her to her limit that she will make you regret it. " Prod replied truthfully.

" I don't care. Let her do what she wants, She's "grown" now. She doesn't need me anymore. She isn't my problem anyways.We're divorced remember? It's time I stop letting her run my life. "

"Prince you know you don't mean that.You'll be in here begging for her forgiveness in the morning. " Ray said, trying to cool me off.

" Not this time Ray." I chuckled.

I went up stairs to shower and change clothes. When I came down I grabbed my keys and got into my car in search of a party. Two can play this game.

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