I Got My Life Back

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[Your Pov]

I'm sitting in my house curled up on the couch crying. How could I have slept with my ex? I feel stupid. One thing is very clear to me right now. I thought that if I slept with him one more time that it would work him out of my system. Boy was I wrong.

One thing I forgot is that when it comes to Princeton, I'm Winnie the Pooh and he's the honey. It's addictive. Now all I want to do is run into his arms and have everything be alright... but something deep inside me says it won't. I've repeatedly taken out my anger on him and put him through so much stress and the whole time he was just trying to protect me. I cried out in misery and buried my face in my hands. I'm so stupid.

[Prince Pov]

I'm driving 85 mph down the interstate. I gotta go find (Y/N). No matter how much of a fight she puts up, I'm not leaving until she loves me again. I got off the exit and drove to her neighborhood. I admit I didn't really think this plan through. When it comes to her, I just have to follow my instincts. I pulled into her driveway and knocked on her door. She yanked it open and I was taken aback by her bloodshot eyes. She's been crying again, undoubtedly about me. I always mess up her life. Starting now the only tears I cause her will be of joy.

"Can we talk?"

She nodded and stepped aside. I walked into the house and sat on the couch. She sat next to me and I put her hand in mine. I looked her deep in her eyes and started to talk.

"Look (Y/N), we both have made alot of mistakes and it's hard to get past them."

"I know and I'm sorry. I cause so much trouble-"

"Woman will you shut up?" I shouted.

" Excuse me?" She said, rolling her neck.

" You heard me. If you let me finish, You would hear me say that no matter what I will always love you and there is nothing we can't work past. You are acting like it's your fault ,but it's mine. I know we've been through a lot of shit these past few years but one thing has never changed. I love you. I always have, I always will. You are mine. You always joke about how I'm the one with your name tattoed on my chest, over my heart. But the truth is, your name is tattooed on my heart, not by ink but by love. I know mine is on yours too. My love for you is in very pore, every cell in my body. You are apart of me and I can't stand not seeing those big brown eyes every morning when I wake up.If you would give me another chance, we can start over... what do you say?"

She looked at me and smiled. She smirked and opened her hand, splaying her fingers. On her ring finger, between it and the pinky , 'Jacob' was tattooed.

"It may not be on my chest but, but is on the finger that contains a vein that leads to my heart. I am yours Jake. I was a gonner from the first moment I laid eyes on you Babe. " She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Picking her up, I kissed her and my world stopped. Everything about this seemed right and perfect. She was as essential to me as my next breath.My girl was back and this time I'm definitely gonna hold on tight. I broke the kiss and hugged her as our tears soaked eachother's shirts. I pulled back and looked down at her. With an easiness I've become accustomed to, I recaptured her soft lips.

" Eww!" Crysta yelled.

We broke the kiss and looked down at our kids. I laughed.

" Ew what?" I chuckled.

"You kissed Mamí.."

"Because I love her."

"So are you and my Mamí gonna get married?" She asked.

"That can be arranged."

My lady blushed and smiled. It's a little too early to get remarried but soon she will be ( Y/N) Perez again, as if she ever stopped. She has and always will be mine. I'm just glad I got my life back.


Yay!!!!!!!!!!! OMG finally!! So that was the last chapter. Next is the epilogue ...... I will be posting the sequel tonight...Get ready!!!

Peace and Love.

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