Who Am I?

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[Your Pov ]

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. Where am I? Who am I? My eyes landed on an attractive man with an Afro sitting on the other side of the room. His eyes were bloodshot and had bags underneath.

" What's going on?" I groaned, Voice hoarse.

Afro Man snapped his head towards me. He smiled and got up. I watched him come close to me. He looked deep into my eyes.

" I missed you Babe." He sighed in relief.

His head lowered and his soft lips crashed into mine. I was too shocked to do anything. He pulled back and smiled wide. The butterflies in my stomach didn't deter the confusion.

" Don't be offended but who are you?"

"Jacob....Your husband?" He frowned.

" I'm married?!"

Afro Ma- I mean Jacob nodded at me. He turned the news on.

"The wife of Princeton from the well known group Mindless Behavior was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. She was injured in a hit and run accident in front of a Jazz and Poetry club. She sustained a mild concussion. She is expected to make a full recovery. No charges have been filed as of now but the investigation to find her attacker rages on. As for Princeton and the rest of Mindless Behavior, their tour will be postponed until spring. "

Jacob,who I am assuming goes by Princeton, looked at me hopefully. I shook my head still confused.

"So you really don't remember me?"

" No. I'm sorry."

Princeton frowned and the door to the hospital room opened. Three men walked in. I recognized them from the news report. There was one with kind of short curly hair, one with Black hair with a blonde patch in the front and one with two braids. The one with the braids spoke first.

"Hey (Y/N)." The one with two braids smiled.

Hmm, (Y/N)...That's my name.. okay.

"Hey Big Head. " Short hair smiled. I can already tell he's a jokester.

"Hey, Are you okay?" Blonde Patch asked, concerned. And he's the sweet one. I smiled politely, having no idea what their names were.

"She has Amnesia. She doesn't remember anything. " Princeton said, rubbing his face.

"Dang that's messed up." 2 Braids sighed. " I'm Ray Ray. " He smiled.

" Hey Ray Ray. " I said, touching his hair. It's amazingly soft.

" I'm Roc." Short Hair said, smiling. He has fangs....nice.

"Hey Roc." I laughed.

"I'm Prodigy but everyone calls me Prod." Blonde Patch said, holding my hand.

" Hey Prod. " I smiled.

Princeton face-palmed himself.

" I forgot to tell the doctor she was awake! " He yelled, running out of the room.

The doctor came to examine me. He took the guys outside the room after he was done.This day is so confusing.

[Prince Pov ]

The doctor briefed us on her condition. I can't believe she doesn't remember anything. I guess we'll have to fill in the blanks. The doctor said the Amnesia should be temporary and to take it slow with her. She has to stay overnight for more monitoring and we can take her home.

We decided it would be better for her to only come in contact with us for a couple of days so she can get adjusted to us again. We went back into the room and sat down. She stared at each of us hard as if trying to force herself to remember. I wish she didn't have to go through this. It's my fault. I'm gonna make it up to her.

[ Mystery Pov ]

I met Andre across town in Central Park. He didn't do the job he was supposed to do! She is still alive. Ugh if you want a job done you'll have to do yourself.

" Andre, she is alive. Explain yourself." I spat.

"I'm sorry...I thought she was dead. " Andre sighed.

"You don't think! You need to be sure! " I want her taken care of.

I left my meeting with Andre with a mission. I'm gonna get rid of (Y/N) once and for all

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