I Will Make You Love Me.

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[Prince Pov ]

I been moping around for the last two weeks...sitting in the dark listening to Prince and crying. I haven't turned my phone on and I haven't left the house since that night. I don't know but some part of me expected her to jump into my arms and take me back.

That was dumb. I don't know why I was surprised she didn't. Maybe I need to give it up and just focus on a relationship with my kids. My brain agrees but my heart won't let her go...I can't stop silently cursing myself for letting the ONE woman on this Earth that loves me unconditionally and understands me go. I will never find another woman like her. If I can't have her I don't want anyone else.

"I can't make you love me if you don't, I can't make your heart feel something it won't. Here in the dark, in these final hours, I will lay down my heart,and I'll feel the power but you won't,no you won't. Cause I can't make you love me of you don't, I'll close my eyes, then I won't see,the love you don't feel when you're holding me, morning will come to terrorize and I'll do What's right, just give me till then to give up this fight....."

I was sitting on the couch just staring at the empty wall,immersing myself into the lyrics. Prince was feeling the same thing I am right now. My door swung open. I heard them come in but I didn't have the motivation to even look at them.

"Princeton get up,we're taking you out for some fresh air." Prodigy sighed.

I slowly turned my head towards them as the fresh tears mixed with the already drying ones.

" Aww Man it'll be Okay." Roc said. "Get your stanky ass up and take a shower and get dressed. You got fifteen minutes to get spiffy or I'm going to cut your hair off." He chuckled.

" I don't care, do it." I said with a lack luster tone.

"Damn something is really wrong." Ray said to Prodigy and Roc." Dude come on let's go, this place is so depressing." He said to me, looking around at my apartment.

I didn't have the strength or resolve to argue with Ray Ray. I sighed and pulled myself off of the couch. I smirked at the guys.

" Happy. " I smirked sarcastically.

" Ecstatic. " Prodigy said, matching my attitude.

I turned and went to my room and grabbed a green bandana for my hair. I found my tye dye Mod Sun hoodie and a pair of jeans. I took a five minute shower and put product in my hair while not looking in the mirror, I couldn't bear to see her name on my chest, right over my heart.

I remember when (Y/N) used to beg me to let her do my hair...fresh tears rolled down quickly. I swiped at my cheeks and shook my head, enough crying. I am not a punk. I finished my hair by putting it in a ponytail and tying the bandana on.

I put on my green Chuck Taylor's, grabbed my phone and walked out of my room. I looked normal except for my bloodshot eyes ,complete with dark circles around them but if you sat in the house doing nothing but crying, sleeping and listening to music, you're not supposed to look alive.

I haven't been alive. My heart stopped a long time ago and my very essence died with it. And it's all my fault. I walked in the living room, noting mentally that the guys opened the blinds and turned off my radio. They all looked at me simultaneously.

"See was that so hard?"

I nodded my head no and we left my apartment. I don't even know where we're going. I just rode in the car looking out the window,sulking.

We pulled up to Gianni 's the pizza place we used to always come to after dance rehearsals. I sat in my usual seat in our usual booth. I always sat by the window next to Prod and Ray sat by the window next to Roc. They began having conversations of their own , I sat there barely listening.

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