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[Diggy Pov ]

I looked in the mirror one last time. I been standing in this hallway for 15 minutes trying to look perfect... shoot I feel like Roc right now lol. I took a picture and captioned it: On my way to get my gorgeous date;) Lol wish me luck! I posted it on Instagram and grabbed my keys...I ran down my front steps and jumped into my white Chevy Camaro. I drove down the street to go get (Y/N) ....I'm so excited....

[Your Pov ]

I swear I've been primping for the last 45 minutes at my vanity. Goshh I'm acting like none other than Roc freaking Royal.... speaking of him,this nigga is sitting on the bed behind me looking at himself in the mirror too...smh... for a mother of four I think I clean up pretty well. I was able to lose the baby weight from Jacobi and then some....I had on a orange sleeveless dress that stopped well above my knees. My hair was pulled in a messy bun with a small silver bow to match my sparkly silver pumps... I have on very light make-up and some clear lip gloss. I looked at myself one more time,then stood up smoothing my clothes.

"Chres ,how do I look?"

"On a scale of 1-10 get a 4 for effort." He chuckled.

"And on a scale of 1-10 You get homelessness for your smart mouth." I laughed sarcastically.

"Gurrlll you know I'm playing with you...Yass baby you curte you curte." He said like a ratchet ass female.

" I guess that's a compliment. "

"Yeahh it is...Now we need to talk." He said, being serious for once in his life.

"About?" I asked, adding a second coat to my finger nails.

" Your date.You see, I know it's been awhile three years, three lonnnnggg years but you don't need to rush into something you'll regret." He said, with his eyebrows raised..

" Roc Royal are you trying to have 'the talk ' with me foreal? I have FOUR kids... it's a little late for that! But don't worry so much Santo. I'll be okay." I said, kissing his nose.

"I know you will cause I'm gonna have a little talk with Diggy myself." Roc smiled evily.

"Ughh no Roc, he'll never take me anywhere else.Yo I'm a big girl I can take care of myself. " I groaned.

" Maybe so but you're still my lil sister. Babygirl." He smiled sweetly..I wanna knock the fangs out of his mouth.

"By a few months Roc. And I'm not your real sister."

" So? Ray and Prod aren't my real brothers but they are just like brothers to me, therefore little sister Diggy will be receiving at talk from your big brothers." He said, matter-of -factly.

"Ughh Okay." I groaned right before the doorbell resounded through the house.

Poor Diggs, they are gonna tear him up...

" That must be that old chap Daniel now." He said with a British accent, rubbing his hands together meniacally.

He turned and left the room and I sat down in my bed to wait till they were done....this may take a while....

[Diggy Pov ]

I was about to ring the doorbell again when Ray snatched the door open. I smiled and tried to give him a handshake.

"Ray 2wice What's-"

" Just get in the house." He cut me off with a straight face..


I walked in the house and looked around... the room was dark except for one lone chair with a spotlight shining on it.I felt like I walked into an interrogation room or something.

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