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A couple days after they got back to LA ,at (Y/N)'s house.

[Your Pov ]

Run. It was the only word flowing through my head. My heart pounding, the sweat pouring down my body didn't stop me. I felt them gaining. A few more moments, I reassured myself. I felt their warm breath at the nape of my neck, causing a chill to run through my body.

"Gotcha." A voice said as I feld cold hands on me.

I bolted straight up in the bed. This is the third nightmare I've had tonight. I rubbed my forehead feeling the fresh perspiration there. My breathing labored,I climbed out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I stood under the warm spray of the shower, analyzing the nightmare I just had. I shook my head ,coming up with no explanation. After my shower I walked back to the bed. I shook my head. I'm not gonna be able to sleep by myself.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to Princeton's room. I knocked softly and heard movement behind the door. He opened the door and looked down at me. If I thought he was gorgeous during the day, just waking up had nothing on this. His ruffled Afro , his shirtlessness and the sleepy look in his eyes made my stomach drop. All this had nothing on his sleepy voice.

" What's wrong (Y/N)?" He yawned.

" I had a bad dream. " I said quietly.

He smiled at me and moved aside so I could walk into the room. I walked in with my head bowed trying not to look in his eyes. I glanced at the ruffled sheets on the bed and took a deep breath. I walked over and climbed in the bed. It was so warm and the sheets were so soft. I closed my eyes and slowly fell into a deep sleep. I felt the bed move. My eyes shot open.

"Y-You're getting in t-the bed with m-me?"

"Yep.... Is there a problem?"

I wanted to scream "yes!". I did kinda come in his room and get in HIS bed. I sighed and rolled to the other side of the bed trying to leave alot of space in between us. I heard him chuckle. I rolled over and went to sleep. No more nightmares.

[Prince Pov ]

I wanted to wrap my arms around her. She's still not used to the fact that we're"married". I haven't told her the truth about our divorce and stuff yet. I don't exactly know how to explain leaving her for another woman and coming back so she can pretend to be my wife for an 8 month tour with out losing her again. I'm going to tell her,but that will be after she falls in love with me again. I have a surprise for her when she wakes up. It feels good to be back in my old bed.

~Next Morning ~

[Your Pov ]

I walked down stairs the next morning feeling rested. I smelled breakfast cooking and I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey. " I yawned.

Roc turned around from cooking and smiled at me. He can cook?

" Hey Sleepy Head. " He chuckled.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?"

"You. " He replied simply.

"I'd pay alot to remember doing that. "

Everybody else except for Princeton came into the kitchen with goofy smiles on their faces. They stared at me. I looked up from my plate.

" What?" I said after swallowing.

" You'll see. " Prod smiled.

I shook my head and continued to eat. When I finished my food I placed my fork and plate in the sink. I turned to walk out and Ray Ray ran in front of me.

"Where are you going?" Ray asked frantically.

" To bathe?" I said, cocking my head.

"No, come spend some time with us." He pouted.

"Alright Ray Ray, How can I say no to that face?" I sighed.

Ray smiled. I walked over and plopped down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. Prod kept staring at the clock nervously. They are acting so weird today. I heard the front door open and Princeton walked into the kitchen.

" Baby I have a surprise for you!" He smiled.

This boy is determined to always call me Baby, Babe or something like that. I just stopped trying to get him to stop. He is a Taurus, meaning so freaking stubborn. Wait! I remember his birthday! April 21st!

"True or False. Your birthday is April 21st?"

"Yeahh ."He said, getting excited.

I'm getting my memory back!Thank God!

"Prod your birthday is December 26th! Ray your birthday is January 6th! Roc your birthday is July 23rd!"

They smiled and gave me a group hug. I remember it all... well the last thing I remember is sitting around telling my babies about their names... whatever. It doesn't matter. I have some of my memory back.

"We met January 7th at a concert in my hometown. We were 15. I married Princeton on March 11th . The triplets were born on May 3rd. I remember." I said, excited tears flowing down my cheeks.

" Hey Babe, don't cry. I have something for you." Prince smiled.

"What is it?"

"Everyone 's going to the Colorado to stay in a cabin for a few days. "

" Aww thanks Babe. You're so sweet." I said, kissing his cheek.

Princeton put a hand on his cheek and blushed. He's such a goofball. I love him though. I ran upstairs to start packing. This vacation is gonna be fun.

********AN *********

I still need two more girls! Congratulations RayrayLove143!! You should be appearing in the story next chapter! Vote and Comment guys!!

Spread The Peace!!!

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