Harvey Dent #1 (Smut)

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"Why the hell do you even work for him!" He said with his voice full of anger, "Because I need money, Harvey! What am I supposed to do?!" I snapped "Don't you dare yell at me like you're so high and mighty!" He snapped back and I backed away as he inched forward, "I think you need to be taught who the boss is". "Harvey" I warned before he picked me up and roughly threw me over his shoulder before walking go the bedroom and slamming the door shut with his foot, I yelped in pain from the force when he picked me up. "Harvey, I..." I try to protest, but he flings me on the bed, and is on me in an instant, covering my mouth with his hand.

"No. more. Talking," he says sternly and my eyes widen. I want to protest, but his other hand finds my wet core and I moan into his touch. "That's it, slut. Moan for me," he says and I do as he wishes. Dirty talk turned me on badly.

In a hurry, he gets rid of his pants and rips mine off, too. Positioning his tip at my entrance, his hands wander under my shirt and squeeze my breasts, hard while his teeth graze my lower lip harshly.

"Harvey, please..." I whisper hoarsely. He cocks up one eyebrow and gives me a challenging look. "What, Y/N? What do you want me to do?" he teases me, slightly entering his tip before pulling away again.

"Put it in, please. And fuck me, hard," I continue and a cocky smile plays at the corner of his mouth. "That's what I thought," he groans deeply and thrusts into me. I arch my back and let out a loud scream. He continues pumping in and out of me, harder with every time. "Oh, god..." I pant in between thrusts while I feel my walls tighten. He forces in roughly and I feel tears forming in the corner of my eye, but it was just because of all the pressure.

"You. Will. Quit. Your. Job. Understood?" Harvey says with every thrust as I wriggle underneath him. I nod my head feverishly, unable to pronounce words at the moment. He grins satisfied and takes my legs and lays them over his shoulders, changing the angle in which he's thrusting into me, making it even more intense for the both of us. "Fuck, Harvey, I'm gonna-!" I scream loudly before he interrupts with an "I know". I feel the pressure build up inside of me. "On three, baby. One, two, three..." he instructs and we both climax on three, letting out loud moans and connecting our bodies as much as possible. We lock eyes and I hold his intense stare. He puts down my legs and rests on top of me for a moment, panting heavily. I feel numb, that fuck took everything out of me. "That was intense," I say while he plays with my hair.

"I'm sorry if i hurt you. I get like that when i'm jealous" He states. I raise my head and look at him, a mischievous grin playing across my face.
"It's fine, mybe I should make you jealous more often, then, 'cause I really liked it;" I confess and he laughs before giving me a soft kiss. "Why do I still love you? And why do you still love me? After everything that happened?" He asked softly, "Because you like girls who kill and I like mature guys, old man" I joked before kissing him lovingly and biting his lower lip. He picked up a coin off of my nightstand and flipped it in his hands. "Hey, im only 10 years older than you, anyway I want you to quit your job, because I want you to live with me and i don't want Cobblepot to get to you" "I was going to quit anyway, he's making me spy on my own brother" "Jim? Why?" "I don't know, he didn't tell me why- hold on, you want me to move in with you?" He blushed "Well yeah, I mean us having an on again off again relationship shouldn't effect us from moving in together as friends, or lovers for that matter" he stated "What if I don't want to" I asked, raising my eyebrows, "Heads you move in, tales you don't" he flipped the coin and it landed on heads. "Wait a minute" I took the coin and looked at both sides "You bastard, this is a two headed coin" I laughed, "Well, now you have to move in!" He said happily before kissing down my neck.

{yes hi! This chapter sucks I know...it gets better I swear}

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