Jim Gordon #1-Guilty Pleasures

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"{y/n}!" I turned and saw Leslie standing in front of me. "Lee?" I laughed and hugged her tightly "What're you doing here?" "I work here now, this is so great" she was shaking slightly, clearly full of excitement. "Doctor Thompkins, how's your first day going?" "Good, Jim, very good" Jim's eyes flicked to me and back to Leslie, "I'm afraid I have to take Detective {l/n} away from you, big case today" she nodded "Alright, good luck to both of you" she made her way back to the door in which she entered.

Jim grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room before locking the door "Jim?" I asked quietly. He turned and pushed me against a wall, I looked up at him, frightened. His head swooped down and his lips connected with mine, "I need you" he whispered as he pulled away and looked into my eyes "I-" his lips went back to mine and my arms went around his neck.

He put his hands on my hips and tried to find my belt buckle, I stopped his hands, "Woah, partner" he put his forehead against mine "I'm sorry, you're just so irresistible right now" he said before he started to kiss my neck "Jim, I don't think this is a good idea" I tried to ignore the pleasure filling my body, I failed and let out a moan. I felt Jim smile and his arms hold me closer to him "Jim, I've never done this before" I stifled out through moans. He looked up at me instantly with regretful eyes.

"I'm so sorry" he released me and began to walk away, I grabbed his arm "You can't do that and just walk away" he looked down "It's okay Jim, you just have to wait a bit and-" "You don't like me anymore I expect" "Of course I like you Jim, how could I not?" We both smiled at each other, kissed longingly and got back to work.

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