Edward Nygma #3

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My eyes opened to a not so clean room, I looked around and observed, I was in Ed's apartment. Two questions popped into my mind 'How did I get here?' and 'Didn't I die?'. I reluctantly called out to him "Ed?" I heard fast paced footsteps and a hand in mine within an instant "Yes, yes what's wrong?" "How did I get here, I thought Galavan shot me" Ed sighed "He did, I haven't slept in three weeks because I've been trying to make you wake up" I gaped at him and tears filled my eyes. I stood up quickly, as did he, and I reached up to grab his green shirt collar "No. Why would you even do that? I was dead. I was dead and gone. Why? Why would you even do that to yourself?" Tears filled my eyes and threatened to fall as he made eye contact with me "I had a duty of care".

I pulled him into a hug. "I had a duty of car for the woman I love". "You- you love me?" He nodded "I love you too Eddie, so damn much". He moved his hand to the hem of my pants "Y'know, we have a lot to catch up on since you've been knocked out for a while" he smirked cheekily and I hit his chest before pecking his lips softly.

{A/N I know you were expecting more sorry! I'm on holiday so I've been busy sleeping xD, I'm updating soon, please stick around guys!❤️}

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