Bruce Wayne #3

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Go talk to him, he needs it" Detective Gordon patted my back and I ran over to Bruce, I touched his back and he tensed slightly before he turned his face to me entirely. He looked like he was crying and I put my hands on his face. His parents are dead, and I didn't get to meet them. Ever. He started crying and his head fell into my lap. I hugged him as tightly as I could "Bruce, look at me" I took his tear stained face in my hands and pushed my lips against his. He kissed me really hard and broke it after a minute by hugging me and sobbing quietly. "It's okay, it's okay" I shushed him and waited for Alfred to come and get us.
{End of flashback}

Now I was curled up next to Bruce, a complete sobbing mess. "{y/n}?" "Yeah?" I whispered "I promise you'll be okay as long as you're with me, I won't let anyone hurt you ever" I grew silent and he squeezed my body. I looked up and pecked his lips "I love you, Bruce" his eyes widened slightly and he pulled me back to him "I love you too, so much". "Awe. Young love is so blissful" we both snapped our heads towards Alfred "Alfred, go away" he raised his hands in defeat "Alright then, don't do anything I wouldn't do".

I placed myself on top of Bruce after Alfred shut the door and pecked him on the lips repeatedly. "Well your mood changed" he points out with a laugh as I kissed his face all over. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you" he didn't attempt to stop me so he just had a stupid smile on his face. "Okay {y/n}, I love you too" I stopped and looked into his eyes "Prove it" he kissed my passionately and copied my actions by kissing my face all over.

He pulled my body even closer to his and pushed my down onto the bed even more, I laughed "Bruce!".

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