Jonathan Crane #4

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"It's okay now, it's okay shhhh baby" I comforted while rocking Johnny back and fourth on his bed. He breathed heavily, slightly calming down, tears still rolling down his face. "Look at me"
I took his face in my hands and he looked up into my eyes "I'm here, I'll always be here and I know we covered that, now stop crying" I reassured him while wiping his tears away. "I know, I know, I just hate this so much" I nodded and decided to give him space "I'm gonna go sleep on the couch, okay?" He nodded.

I began to open the bedroom door "{y/n}" he said quietly and I turned "Please stay with me..." His voice cracked and I couldn't tell if he was going to cry or not. "Sure" I walked over and laid down in the bed with him, pulling the covers over myself. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and held onto me like I was the last light to cling to. I turned and faced him, placing my hand in his cheek "I'm not going anywhere, and nothing will take you from me" he nodded in understanding.

He placed his forehead against mine "I don't know why you're still here" I scooted closer to him, if that were even possible "I have a duty of care. My job is to keep the guy I love safe. Don't forget that you idiot" I smiled jokingly and he hid his face in my neck "You're going to sleep?" "I haven't slept for days, and now that you're here I'm safer than I've ever been".

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