Oswald Cobblepot #5

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{Do be aware, this takes place in season one}

"I hate you!" I threw a glass at Oswald and he ducked quickly "{y/n}, stop it!" I slammed my hands on the table "I thought you were dead!" Tears stained my eyes and began to fall again "I thought I'd- I thought-" I broke down and sank to the floor. The dark blue color of my walls in my apartment matched my mood, sad and unforgiving. "I know, I know, I'm sorry" he sat next to me on the floor, his arms going around me. I didn't bother to fight back, he might have a crippled leg but he's still stronger than me.

"You could've called me, or even sent me a hidden message Oswald" I said quietly "One word. One word was all I needed to let me know that you were alive" he squeezed my body tighter and took my chin in his hand "I'm sorry" he took my face in both of his hands. "Please {y/n}" I looked at the floor and then back up at him "If you ever do that again I will end you" I sobbed and he smiled. "I'm sorry, I'll never leave you again. I promise" he started kissing my entire face, earning a laugh from me.

"I love you, fucking jerk" "I love you too, you know that" he hugged me again and helped me stand up "I have another stop to make, time to get Jim Gotdon on my side".

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