Oswald Cobblepot #3

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"What do we do now?" Ed laughed and sat in the ground "I really don't know {y/n}, maybe we should just cut him up since we can't make the hole bigger" I chuckled and his head snapped my way, "What?" "It's just silly that you killed him and know we have to bury Kristen and some random guy" he nodded "Well, what else are we supposed to do, throw him in a river?" I sighed and stood up, glancing over to see one of Ed's 'tea cakes' completely demolished and chunks of it trailing somewhere. "Ed. Look" I tapped his arm after he stood and pointed at the scene, "Maybe a deer?" I asked "Well whatever it was, I'm killing it" he said seriously, "We'll be right back guys" Ed whispered referring to the old man he just slaughtered.


A while later we arrived at an abandoned looking trailer, "Go check it out" I whispered "Me?!" He whisper yelled to me "Well I'm not doing it, for all I know there could be a rapist in there!" I went behind the tree and he walked towards the trailer. He was wearily about to knock on the door when it swung open, his glasses fell off and he fell to the ground. I looked up and saw Oswald standing there, looking weak with puffy eyes.

"Mr.Penguin?" Ed asked after he put on his glasses, Oswald sniffed "Help me. Please" I stepped out from behind the tree and walked up to him. "Oswald, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned, he looked down at me and before he could say anything I wrapped my arms around him tightly "{y/n}" he whimpered quietly and I shushed him. He wrapped his arms around me slowly and squeezed my small body, "My mother, she's- she's-" he started sobbing quietly and every inch of me became filled with despair. I put my hand over my mouth "No".


I sat next to Oswald in his small apartment that was nearly empty. After finding out Galavan was arrested we retreated back to the run-down building. My arm was around him and his head was on my shoulder. He's gotten better, but when he groans about his mother and killing Galavan while he's sleeping, it looks like he'll start crying and screaming. Ed sat across from both of us as we tried to figure out a revenge plan, "We might need a victim to torture" I nodded and looked down at Oswald and sighed "There's no point, Galavan is already in Blackgate".

After an hour or so of Oswald and Ed giving awkward glances as Ed explained how this new side of him has made him feel whole, Ed decided that he needed us to have 'alone time', I didn't understand how he knew what that meant. "I should go, I have some thing to take care of, I'll see both of you later" Ed walked out and I shut the door behind him. I walked over to Oswald who stood in front of the window. I hugged him and his body stiffened slightly before he hugged me back, I pulled my head away slightly while putting my hands on either side of his face. I softly placed my lips against his for what felt like hours, "I love you" he said quietly and my eyes widened for a second.

"I love you too" I kissed him again, he pushed me against the wall next to the window and moved his hands down to my waist, "I need you, I know I don't tell you enough but I need you" I kissed him again, trying to soothe him but he pulled away and started a breathy conversation as our foreheads were against each other. "Let me finish at least" I chuckled quietly and he held my face in his hands "You are what I need, you are all I've ever wanted, and I don't want to see you get hurt" I kissed him again before he could say anymore.

"Oswald, you are my everything and I love when you tell me how much you love me but- please be quiet for at least a minute" he nodded quickly "I'll be quiet for this" we both laughed and kissed for as long as we could.

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