All #1-Favorite Thing About You

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He loves the way that you can defend yourself. When you pushed Silver out that window...he was trying to suppress his cheeks from turning red. So whenever the two of you fight and you slap Bruce, he always pulls you into a kiss, completely falling for the attractive way you fight for dominance. {Idk, just keep your minds to yourselves xD}

He fell in love with you, shortly, for the way you know exactly how to deceive someone. {Yes, I know it's weird just keep reading}. Jim kept his eyes on you intently as you were playing with Barbara's mind, his cheeks flushing slightly as Bullock stared at him like he was insane. When you kissed him, he had to fight back a little 'something'.

He loved how possessive over him you were. For example..a woman tried to touch him once and let's just say a certain necessary organism got cut off of her body. You didn't want anyone to touch Oswald, and it turned him on slightly. XD.

He loved how short you were, how he had to bend down to kiss you and you had to stand on his toes to kiss him. Your heights were a varied difference, but he always referred to you as 'mouse'. {Sorry tall people}.

He loved how cute you got when your temper went overboard. He said the way your whole face turned red and you screaming at him in annoyance made him want to attach more to you than ever before.

He loved how you pushed him to extremes. When Galavan tried to kill him you knew it was too much of you so you shot Galavan from afar, letting his worthless corpse fall on top of your boyfriend. You always wondered why Jerome even brought knives into bed with him and then you realized that his extreme was dangerous but too sexy for you to handle. {I give up on myself}.

He loved how you were always there for him when the nightmares of his father and the scarecrow returned. He felt safe in your arms and the way you always made him feel that way was the reason he knew he could be in love with you for as long as possible. You can't say that you're not tired of him waking up screaming almost every night, but you told yourself to always be there for him when he felt unsettled or in danger.

{I'm starting to give up on my writing should go read my new Fanfiction for Brucie!! It's called 'Ruby (A Bruce Wayne Fanfiction)'. Go check it out if you love him.}

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