Oswald Cobblepot #2 {Part Two}

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"You came here for me? Why?" "I think you're amazing, and I want to win you over" I scoffed "And how are you gonna do that? Tie me up and convince me that you're a good man?" He chuckled "Come with me" I hesitated and followed him out.

{Time Lapse}

"Okay, you've proven something of yourself" I laughed as Oswald walked me to my door. "You like Ed right?" I shook my head "I think I found a new person of interest" he raised his eyebrows and I pulled his face towards mine. "See you later, Penguin" his eyes widened "You had me for a second".

I honestly thought he was going to yell at me for calling him 'Penguin'. I stood there, mouth agape, "Come on, {y/n}, I like it when you call me Penguin, I take it as endearment" I grinned as hugged him. "You don't seem like the worst person in the world, Oswald" I hugged him tighter "Quick question, how long can you hold your breath?" He pulled back and looked at me curiously "Pretty long....why?" I smirked "Because" I pulled him towards me so I was leaning on the wall and he was directly in front of me.

"I want to test you" I whispered before placing my lips onto his. The kiss lasted a long time, or a few seconds, I was too lost to notice. "I should go, I'll see you later....Penguin" he nodded and began to walk away "You get me all frustrated for nothing" he laughed as he turned his back to me.

Crediy to for the help with this imagine Officialmisskilljoy ❤️

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