Jim Gordon #4

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"{l/n}" "Gordon" we murmured in passing to each other, both sending glares. I kept walking with the files in my hand, going to place them in the forensics room. "Hey wait" I hear Jim say as he caught up to me, "What do you want, Jim?" "To talk to you" he shut the door to the lab behind him and locked it "Are you planning to murder me?" He shook his head and chuckled. I turned away from him and let a smirk fall through but made sure he couldn't see it "Then why'd you lock the door?" He wrapped his arms around me as I closed the cabinet, turning me to him. "{y/n}" "Detective," I breathed nervously "are you desperate?" He nodded slowly, raising his eyebrows. "What I needed to a-ask you was...do you maybe, wanna be...partners?" I chuckled, hitting his shoulders and he repeated the action but squeezed my hips. "I hate you, Gordon" "No you don't" he kissed my forehead and let me go before beginning to walk out. "Jim, come on" he laughed and walked out before popping his head in for a second "Come by my place tonight" and with that he left. I groaned and let out a breath I was holding before walking out and getting back to the work I was given.

I banged on Jim's door obnoxiously and leaned against it. He opened it and caught me instantly "Hey there, detective clumsy" I don't chuckle like he did because I was too pissed off. "Jim" I groaned before grabbing his tie and dragging him over to the couch and sitting on top of him "{y/n} wh-" "It's detective to you" he looked bewildered and I kissed him and then began to kiss his neck "Detective" he sighed and I continued my actions.

"Woah there" Jim grabbed my arm and pulled me back down onto his bed "{y/n}, come on" I chuckled and crawled back into the bed with him before drifting off to sleep, hearing "Take a break, partner".

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