Jerome Valaska #3

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"Jerome" I groaned loudly, calling out to him before running into Sionis, "Hey Rich, have you seen my clown of a boyfriend by any chance?" "Uh yeah, he's in there" he pointed to my bedroom. I entered slowly before shutting the door, I turned and saw Jerome half naked "Hey babe" he winked and I locked the door. "Jerome!" "What? You know you want to" he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer. I could feel his erection through his underwear and he purposely rubbed against me, I rolled my eyes "Why are you always so horny" I broke from his grip and began to walk to the door before he grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist again and putting his chin on my shoulders.

"But I missed you while you were on the stupid mission or whatever" he rubbed my thighs and I threw my head back, moaning slightly, Jerome chuckled "See, told ya you want to" he slid his hand into my jeans "{y/n} please don't be mad anymore" he panted. I was attempting to keep a stern look on my face, but it was impossible with all this sexual tension. I turned around quickly and his hand left my jeans, I kissed him forcefully and he slapped my ass "Hey!" He just responded with a wink and a cheeky smile before he kissed me again.

{Why do I even do this?........anyways, updating soon xD}

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