Jervis Tetch #1

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"Now tell me, how did you feel under my influence" I look up at him "Asleep, unafraid" he nodded "Good, that's very good, and how do you feel now?" I stand up from my chair, looking around my empty apartment and then back at him. I put my hands on his shoulders "Nervous" his head goes a little sideways "Do I make you nervous, Miss {l/n}? I wonder why.." I look up at him and take a small step, making our bodies nearly touch. "Oh my dear, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into" I pull him closer by wrapping my arms around his neck, our noses touching "What did you make me do Mr Tetch?" He gave me a smirk "I made you fall in love with me Miss" he looks into my eyes, putting his arms around my waist "But it are already there with that wild look in your eyes" "Jervis" I whisper and he raises his eyebrows, his breath giving off a nervous tone "I want you" he whispered and I brought him into a soft kiss that turned passionate. "How can a woman like you love a man like me?" I smile at him "You're fucking gorgeous" I say and kiss him again, pushing him onto my couch near us and crawling onto his lap, my legs on either side of his body.

I began to kiss his neck and he let out raspy breaths "No woman has ever dared to say that to me" "Yeah and no woman has ever down this to you before Mr Tetch" I helped him shrug off his jacket and he stood up, causing me to wrap my legs around him as he walked over to my room. "I am in love with you, I have been my entire life" he whispered and he shut the door with his foot and pushed me into the bed. "And now I will show you that love, and darling I will make it rough and known" he whispered looking down at me before kissing me again and beginning to unbutton my blouse.

Ed sized time skip

"Fuck" he breathed as he fell down next to me and brought me into his arms "My love, you are so pure" he said before he kissed me slowly, brushing my hair back. I ran my hand over his chest and he grabbed his watch, looking at the time "It's been about an hour, you can really go on and on my dear" he joked and I brought the blanket over us, cuddling against his warmer figure. "Jervis, will you stay?" I asked him and he squeezed my waist "Of course, darling, I always will".

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