Edward Nygma #2 (Smut)

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"Eddie!" I called as I walked in the door to his apartment, "Oh, hey {y/n}!" He called out, he sounded nervous about something. I walked into his room and shut the door behind me to see him sitting in the floor, slightly freaking out, I leaned down to him and kissed his forehead "Sweetie, what's wrong?" He just shook his head and I sat down next to him, putting my head on his shoulder. I looked up at him and took his face in my hands, "You don't have to tell me...but it's gonna be okay". I kissed him gently and pulled away "Okay, now I'm gonna go ma-" he pulled me on top of him and kissed me fully while his hands roamed my body "I need you, now" he said in a rushed tone and I kissed him again.

"Eddie" I breathed as he started kissing my neck rapidly, "Eddie" I said again while pushing him away softly "Are you sure about this?". He thought for a moment before his eyes traced my body "You're damn right I am" I chuckled and he got up before helping me stand and pushing me onto the bed. "Oh boy, I think this dark persona is taking over again {y/n}" I smirked "I think I like it". He rushed to get his pants off and I did the same before pointing to the bed "Sit down". He sat and I positioned my self on his lap, feeling his erection on my bare thigh, he put his hands on my hips and let his dick slightly enter me before he pulled out again "Hold on" he went to take off his glasses but I stopped him "Don't" I put my hands on the sides of his face and kissed him, he squeezed my body tightly and without warning, he put his whole length into me. I yelled out at the sudden action while throwing my head back.

"Oh my god" he groaned as I moved up and down rapidly, "Holy- {y/n}". "Ed" I felt him harden inside of me "Oh god Eddie", "Say my name again" I did as instructed and he pulled out quickly letter his release go onto the floor before I did the same. We both put our clothes back on and laid down "That. was amazing" he said as he walked over to me and laid on the bed, pulling me to him, draped his arms tightly around my waist.  "Hey Ed?" He hummed "I love you Riddle Man" he kissed my head and chuckled "I love you too, so much".

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