Jerome Valeska #4

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{To be fair, I took this song from Black Butler and I'm obsessed with it, I hope it makes sense}

"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady" I sang as I skipped around the asylum. I've been here for a month and the inmates haven't been very...amusing. But a rumor spread around about a new guy, like I believed it. I entered the 'common area', if that's even what it is, and saw that there was a boy I had never seen before with orange hair that made me believe that he could be a clown {A/N *giggles*}, I walked over to him and took a seat. "You're the new kid right? I'm {y/n}" he turned to me and grinned with mischief in his eyes "Jerome, how does a pretty doll like you get into a place like this?" I chuckled "Oh I don't know, maybe killing my mother was a good start" "Hey look at that {y/n}, we already have so much in common" I put my head on his shoulder, giggling.

"Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady"

I heard the door to my cell creak open and close quietly before my bed dropped behind me and I felt arms wrap around me and a sigh. "Good evening, Jerome" he pulled me closer to him, I didn't think a cold blooded murderer could be so warm hearted, but hey, I'm just like him. "Hey Jerome?" "Yeah?" I thought about saying what was on my mind and decided not to. "You're really warm, I wish you'd come in here every night, it's freezing" "Do I make you hot {y/n}?" he joked, I turned to him and giggled quietly into his chest "Shut up, Jerome" he kissed the top of my head. I wanted to be more than friends, he just couldn't know....not yet.

"Build it up with iron and steel,
Iron and steel, iron and steel,
Build it up with iron and steel,
My fair lady"

I slowly entered Jerome's cell, seeing him on the bed, I walked over and sat on his lap, he looked at me surprised, wrapping an arm around my waist, preventing me from falling. "Well hello there, Doll" he said with confusion in his voice "What're you doing?" I moved my legs so they were on both sides of him and took his face in my hands, pecking his lips. I pulled away and he pulled me in for another kiss, laying me down on his bed, hovering over me. He placed his forehead against mine "You have no idea how much self control I had to have to not kiss you {y/n}". "Jerome.....I love you" I whispered as his ragged breath fanned my face, he grinned "I love you too, gorgeous" I rubbed my noses against his and pulled him into another kiss.

"Set a man to watch all night,
Watch all night, watch all night,
Set a man to watch all night,
My fair lady"

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