Jerome Valeska #5

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"Jerome when he was younger and had a crush on you?" For 11Big_Geek_Brooke11 (I will be using your name in this btw😂)

"Brooke?" I turned around and saw my best friend from a long time ago...Jerome Valeska, his jaw dropped and his forehead sweating. "Jerome! Oh my god" I ran up and hugged him tightly as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me "How have you been?" He nodded "Good good, very good, and you?" I nodded my head and simply smiled "Why wouldn't a girl like you be doing fantastic? I didn't even have to ask" he chuckled, answering his own question.

{Time skip}

"You're so beautiful, Brooke" I giggled at his drunken slurs of love. I knew it wasn't real though...just drunk foolishness. "Why are you looking at me like that? With that...sadness in your eyes?" I just shook my head and led him to a park bench before abruptly standing "I'm gonna go get you a water, and you're going to stay here". I walked over to a stand nearby and bought a bottle of water "It's nice to see two lovebirds like yourselves" I chuckled and shook my head before walking back to the bench, making him drink some of the water. "Hey, Brooke?" He said, a little more sober and in his mindset, "Yeah?" He hesitated a little bit "Y'know I used to uhm....have a crush on you when we were younger, I had no idea how to tell you before because you were heading off to some fancy college" my jaw nearly dropped and my eyes were the size of tectonic plates "I-I had no idea, Jerome" "How could you? I didn't have to guts to say it to you".


"Hey, good luck with everything Brooke, you know where I am if you need me" I smiled at him and went over to hug him, he squeezed my body tightly "I'll miss you Jerome, I'll miss you so much" I pulled back and kissed his cheek longingly, not looking up as I knew he might as well was blushing, "Goodbye Brooke" "Goodbye Jerome..for now" he smiled and squeezed my hand before I got into my car and began to drive.

{End of flashback}

I giggled "What? Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head and hugged him "No, of course not! I never thought you felt that way about me, I always thought I wasn't good enough" "Why would you ever think that" he leaned over and gave me a small kiss on the lips, nothing too dramatic. "Do you wanna maybe-" "Yes Jerome, I'll be your girlfriend" he smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around me.

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