Jim Gordon #3

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Barbara hit my back with a belt, and my knees buckled. I sank to the floor quickly and put my face in my hands "This wouldn't have happened if you just followed my rules" she stated calmly, walking around my hunched figure. "Why couldn't you just stay away? Why couldn't you just leave us alone?"  I sat up, putting my hands behind me on the floor to hold myself up, I glanced around at the three remaining people in the room. Bullock, Barbara, and Jim. I could almost feel my heart crack open as they all looked at me with pity and sorrow "Why do you think?" I whispered after she grabbed my chin in her left hand, a knife in her right. She harshly pushed my head to the side and lifter me up by my arm. She pushed me into the wall of the small, dirty room. The light swung from the ceiling, everything about this creeped me out.

"I came here to save my friends" I pushed myself off of the wall, stumbling slightly. She laughed and mocked while clapping her hands together "Well isn't that sweet" I walked away as she took a step closer "You're clever Barbara, but not as clever as me" I put my hands on Harvey's shoulders and he sighed slightly, I could sense annoyance. "you're attempts seem so stupid Ms.Keen". I walked around the room a little more, trying to improvise while hiding my fear. I walked past Jim and he eyed me suspiciously as my hand brushed his arm slightly. Barbara tensed in anger, 'Wow, I only touched him accidentally' I could use it to my advantage. I put my hands on Jims shoulders this time and her face changed to slight fury, "What is it about you.....that makes me seem worse" my hands went down to his hands as I spoke and he raised his eyebrows at me. He gave me a look that said 'what're you doing?' "Improvising" I said so quietly I didn't even think he could hear it.

"Maybe I'm just..." I trailed off, getting lost in his eyes for a second before letting him go quickly. 'Focus {y/n}, this sit the right time or place' I walked around Barbara, "I hope I'm not scaring you, I'd be disappointed if I was" "I should be making you afraid" she turned to me and forced me against the wall "You have no idea what I'm capable of {y/n}" she hissed in my face, holding the knife to my neck. I kicked her knee and she fell, "I think I'm the one who would be saying that". I walked slowly over to Jim and put my hands on his face, pulling his lips onto mine. It took about a minute for me to stop, I pulled away and the awkward silence was so tense that you could cut it with a knife. "You bitch!" She yelled before trying to attack me, I tripped her and she hit her head in a pipe. "Let's get out of here before she wakes up", we rushed out and Harvey made sure there was no way of her getting out,

Harvey huffed and patted my shoulder "Well I'll be damned, good job kid" he took a cab and headed home. Leaving me with a slightly stunned Jim, "You okay?" He snapped out of his trance and chuckled "Why did you uhm... Why did you kiss me back there?". My face turned pink and I started to walk away from him, he caught up with me quickly "I just- I've always wanted to do that, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" he sealed my lips with his "don't be sorry". After about a minute I pulled away "I think we should uhm- we should go to my place" I whispered slightly "I think....that you are a genius" he smiled nervously.

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