Jerome Valeska #2

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{Once, I was hopeful
Thought we were one.
Life, less than perfect
Finally begun.
But, now i wonder
Are we undone?}

"Don't argue with me Jerome!" I screamed at my boyfriend, we weren't in good terms, considering he just killed Captain Essen and massacred the whole GCPD. "You know that was way too far! Why do you even listen to Galavan, you fucking piss me off!" "Me? Do you think I wanted to?- no actually that was very fun!" He laughed and my eyes widened and I walked into my kitchen slowly and pulled out the biggest knife in the drawer before pointing at him. "You're fucking insane Jerome. And I'm afraid that I might be worse" I smiled menacingly and he looked terrified. Wow. I scared my own boyfriend.

{I wanna treasure you in death as well as life
I wanna cut you with my love and with my knife
But can i live as your tormentor and your wife
When i am crazier than you
I'm crazier than you
And nothing up til now has proved me wrong
I'm crazier than you
That's just the overview}

"What is it, baby, am I scaring you? Huh ginger?!" I hissed at him and he took a step back before I lowered the knife but tightened my grip. "Do you think I like being a psycho? Huh? Because you know I've never been like this before" he shook his head and smirked "Isn't it a rush?" I thought for a moment. It made me feel strange, being like this was......outstanding, something that I felt almost free with.

I stepped forward, placing the knife on his cheek and he sighed "That's my girl" I dropped the knife and kissed him "I never asked you to be like me....but I think I like it" he purred after we pulled apart.

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