Jonathan Crane #3

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My best friend and I slowly made our way out of the woods and I realized I dropped my phone, "{y/f/n} wait here, I dropped my phone back there" "Be careful" I nodded and went back for it. "That would've been a disaster" I looked up and saw what looked like an abandoned house.

Being the curious girl I was, I entered the house. I walked into the living room and it looked drab and dirty. "It's a mess isn't it?" I yelped and turned quickly, almost falling, but the stranger caught me. "Are you alright?" I looked up and noticed the boy and it was none other than Jonathan Crane "Ye-yeah. I'm fine, thanks" he smiled but it faded quickly "Why are you here, {y/n}" he said blandly "Well, I saw this house and it looked empty and- wait, you know who I am?" "Of course I do, you're Jim Gordon's sister right? I'm Johnny" I nodded and suddenly got lost in his eyes. "You're really pretty " he said quietly as his cheeks turned pink and mine burnt red  before I took his face in my hands. "Thanks" I started to lean forward and so did he, "You're really cute" I kissed his nose and his eyes closed.

"I should go, it was nice to meet you Johnny" he just stood there baffled "He-hey wait!" I turned around and he walked towards me "Don't go, please" I chuckled "Why not, we're not even friends" he cracked a smile "Well not yet" "Maybe being friends is too simple for you, maybe you need a challenge" he pulled me towards him by the waist and leaned in. 'Oh my god, I just met him and he's gonna kiss me! No way in hell' I leaned in, even though I just met him, he didn't seem like a murderer or anything. And then he did something I didn't expect. He kissed my nose and now I stood there baffled "Gotcha" he whispered "Man, screw you, you work me up for a ki-" he connected our lips quickly and I screamed on the inside. I was melting on the inside as the kiss got more intense and he pushed me onto the couch.

"Woah, slow down there buddy, I didn't know you could do that" "I just found out right now" we both laughed and I stood to leave.

{Don't know if a 2nd part will come for this}

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