Bruce Wayne #13

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Slight spoilers if you haven't seen episode 25 yet

#13 - Tonight's The Night

"You wanna be a hero!" I hear a voice yell from not so far away. I look over and see a house of mirrors, I try to walk there quickly but I'm stopped by a large man lunging at me. I grab his arm and jump over him, wrapping my legs around his neck and squeezing them together, cutting off his oxygen before hopping to the ground. I kick him in the stomach for good measure and stick my fist up as another clown runs past me. "{y/n}, calm down" Alfred says to me, grabbing my arms lightly "He'll be alright, he will" I nod morbidly and Alfred takes out two more goons.

"I'll be back" I say to him and run behind the house of mirrors, thinking that I'd lose my way if I went inside. They weren't there, but I didn't dare go inside by myself, that would've been way too dangerous. I walk back and see Jim punch Jerome, his face was falling off. He took another blow to the face and it fell off into the mud, he groans and passes out. From the distance I'm at, I can see Bruce. I start running towards him and hop over Jerome, going right into Bruce's arms. He instantly hugs me back and picks me up when I start to lose my balance. I'm crying, I look up and his face is marked with smudged clown makeup and tears. "Thank god, I thought I'd never see you again" he whispers and he adjusts me in his arms, I rub my nose against his gently.

"You know I wouldn't let that happen, I'd never let anybody kill me, Bruce".

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