Oswald Cobblepot #1-Umbrella

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"Miss Mooney" a man with an umbrella in his hand entered the room and Fish tried not to glare at him "Oswald, {y/n} this is my.....uh- umbrella boy" I tried not to laugh at her tone as I saw Oswald cringe "I'll be right back" Fish said as she patted my hand before getting up and going into the back. "So, how do you know Miss Mooney?" "We're partners, how do you know her? Penguin?" He glared at me "Sorry, I won't do that again" I looked down as he spoke "It's.....fine? I just work for her" I nodded and he sat next to me "You don't look like her partner to me".

I looked up at him "The most dangerous things come in the smallest packages" I noted as I glared at him "Being a murderer is very fun, but you wouldn't know that would you, you're just a stupid little Penguin" he went to grab my hair and I stopped his fist and dug my nails into it as he grunted "Stop it!" I let go of his hand and stood up "Do not call me Penguin" he spat the nickname "All my life I've been called a penguin, I don't want it anymore" he said quietly as I sat back down and took his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry, let me restart here, my name is {y/n} it's nice to meet you...." I trailed off, pretending not to know his name "Oswald" he chuckled and we shook hands before Fish came back to the table "Looks like things are going well over here, that's good". I don't know why, but Oswald is just too intense for a regular umbrella boy. I wonder if he's planning something.

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